
(Model test) 魔法少女リリカルなのは 高町なのは ver.maid

  • 投稿日:2022/3/16
  • 6077 再生
  • 84 いいね


各位好久不見,自從換了工作之後就很少做MMD了,算是很對不起那些有贊助過我的朋友,不過模型部份還是一直有在入手就是了,這算是目前為止到手的最滿意的奈葉頭部模型了,所以就算沒什麼空閒時間,還是打算盡量用半夜的時間來做影片。之後打算用這個當成我的主打模型來做影片,也許也會試試之前一直很排斥的做愛影片也說不定。It\'s been a long time, everyone. I haven\'t done MMD much since I changed jobs. I\'m sorry to those who have sponsored me, but I still have the model part. The head model is finished, so even if I don’t have much free time, I still plan to use the midnight time to make the movie.Later, I plan to use this as my main model to make a movie, and maybe I will also try the sex movie that I have always rejected before.