

  • 投稿日:2023/2/18
  • 21598 再生
  • 442 いいね


夜桜さんリクエストコメがあったので夜桜さんメインでの動画になります。月閃の選抜メンバーに緊急忍務が入ったことから全員で挑む予定であったが何故か3年である雪泉、叢は忍合宿に呼ばれ忍務に参加できなくなる。雪泉はこの忍務と合宿に不審なものを感じ中止することを提案するが、夜桜は「忍務はわしらだけで大丈夫」と強行する。しかし、当然この忍務と合宿は仕組まれたものであった。当初は順調であったものの徐々に追い込まれ四季、美野里が囚われ、人質を取られた夜桜も‥‥人質を取られた捕らえられた夜桜は罪袋からゲームを迫られる。・1時間責めに耐えられれば夜桜の勝ち・夜桜が意識を失わない限り敗北はない・夜桜の意識がある限りは四季、美野里には手を出さないこのようなルールの中耐えようする夜桜の運命はって感じになります。(;´・ω・)_______________________________________________________Since there was a request from Yozakura-san, this video will be mainly about Yozakura-san.However, for some reason, 3rd year students Yumi and Murikumo were called to a shinobi training camp and were unable to participate in the shinobi training camp.However, for some reason, third-year students Yukizumi and Mura were called to participate in the shinobi training camp and were unable to attend. Yukizumi felt that this shinobi mission and training camp were suspicious and suggested that they be cancelled, but Yozakura insisted, "We can handle the shinobi mission on our own.But of course, the ninja duties and the training camp were a setup.The initial situation was going well, but gradually they were pushed into a corner, Minori was captured, and Yozakura was taken hostage....Yozakura, who was taken hostage, was forced to play a game by the sin bag.If Yozakura can withstand the blame for one hour, she wins.As long as Yozakura remains conscious, she will not be defeated.As long as Yozakura is conscious, Shiki and Minori will not be touched.As long as Yozakura is conscious, Shiki and Minori will not be touched. (;ω)