今季、「ダンベル何キロ持てる?」が大人気だが、これを観ていてふと想うことがあるそれは・・・「リアル街尾はやっぱりマッスル(北村克己)だよなぁ」「今の時代、もし北村さんが生きていたら」の2点であるハァ ハァ ハァ ハァ ハァ ハァ ハァ ハァ・・・傍らで息を荒げたままの立花里美に、南川は、「里美さん、明日のショーに僕と一緒に出てくれませんか?」と囁いた里美は薄れゆく意識の中でそれを聴き、意味も分からぬまま頷くとそのまま眠りについたそして翌日里美「あ、あの・・・南川さん?」南川「大丈夫、全部僕にまかせて」南川は里美にそういうと里美の手を引いて舞台へと向かった男の名は南川勝巳(みなみかわ かつみ)国内外における数々のボディビルコンテストに優勝経験を持ち、人は彼をいつしかMr. Muscleと呼ぶようになっていただが、国内最高峰と呼ばれるボディビル・コンテストに優勝した際、ドーピング疑惑をかけられ、タイトルは剥奪協会からも除籍処分が下された後は、活躍の場を海外に移すようになったこの時、南川の端正な顔立ちに目を付けたショーのプロモーターをきっかけにショーダンサーとしても活躍するようになる但し、ショーの演目はセックスショーの相手役だったが、彼のショーは出演すれば満員になるというほど大人気で世界中から出演オファーが絶えないという今回も、面堂シーパラダイスの目玉として企画されたのだというしかし、南川は面堂シーパラダイスに来る直前に、相手役だった女性が体を壊して来れなくなるというアクシデントに見舞われていた南川の所属する事務所は急遽新しい相手役の女性を探すもなかなか見つからず、南川自身も面堂シーパラダイスに来る女性の中から、「相手役が見つからないか?」とショーの前日まで島中を歩いていた事情があったそこで出会ったのが立花里美だった南川勝巳のモデルとなったのは北村克己プロボディビルビルダーとしての活動の傍らで、その端正なマスクで「マッスル北村」としても活躍した筋肉タレントの先駆け的存在でもありました筋肉タレントの元祖としては、1978(昭和53)年、「エンゼル体操」で一躍人気者となったムキムキマン(本名;対馬誠二)がいますが、筋肉タレントの先駆者はやはりマッスル北村氏だと思います北村氏の人となりについては私が語るよりもWikiやYou tubeにもあるので興味のある方はそちらを検索して下さいそんな北村氏は、2000(平成12)年8月3日、無理な減量の結果、極度の低血糖状態による急性心不全を引き起こし、永眠享年39歳彼の死から今年で19年が経ったもし彼が生きていたらこの作品はどう映ったであろう?惜しまれる死であるそして彼にこそこの言葉を送りたいと思いますNice Bulk!At this season,“Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru? (How Heavy Are the Dumbbells You Lift?)” has been very popular, but it occurred to me that I thought of it by watching thisthat is...“After all, only Mr. Kitamura may be able to embody Machio.”“If Mr. Kitamura was alive in this era,”These two pointsHuff huff huff huff huff huff huff huff huff ...By the side of Minamikawa, Satomi Tachibana was breathe heavilyTo such Satomi, MInamikawa is,“Satomi, would you like to appear with me on tomorrow ’s show?”Minamikawa asked SatomiSatomi listened to it in her failing consciousness and fell asleep as soon as she knew it without knowing its meaningAnd the next daySatomi "Oh, ah... Minamikawa-san?"Minamikawa "It\'s okay, leave it to me"Minamikawa took Satomi\'s hand to Satomi with headed for the stageThe name of the man is Katsumi MinamikawaHe had been won numerous bodybuilding contests at home and abroad.And people had called him Mr. MuscleHowever, when winning the body building contest called the highest peak in the country, doping was suspected and the his title had been strippedAnd when he was removed from the association, he moved his field of activity overseasAt this time, because of Minamikawa had chiseled faceThere was also a recommendation from the show\'s promoter who took notice of him, and since then he has been active as a show dancerHowever, his show was the partner of the sex show.But, his show was so popular that it would become full once it appeared, and there were always offers from all over the worldThis time, it had been also planned as Mendo Sea Paradise\'s main eventBut, just before coming to Mendo Sea paradise, Minamikawa had been hit by an accident that a woman who was a partner had broken her bodyThe office to which Minamikawa belongs suddenly searched for a new partner woman, but it was difficult to find, and Minamikawa had been walked the island until the day before the show to be looking for a partner from among the women coming to Mendo Sea Paradise.So he met Satomi TachibanaThe model of Katsumi Minamikawa is bodybuilder named Katsumi KitamuraWhile acting as a professional body builder, it was also a pioneer of muscle celebrity who also worked as “Muscle Kitamura” with his well-proportioned faceThe origin of muscle celebrity is Mukimukiman (real name; Seiji Tsushima) who became a popular person in “Angel Exercise” in 1978 (Showa 53).But I think that Mr. Kitamura is the first pioneerMr. Kitamura\'s personality is more in Wiki and You tube than I talk, so if you are interested please search there(- -)(_ _)On August 3, 2000(Heisei 12), Kitamura causes acute heart failure due to extreme hypoglycemia as a result of unreasonable weight loss.He died at the age of 3919 years have passed since his deathIf he was alive, how would this work appear to him?We have lost a great personAnd I want to send this word to himNice Bulk!BGMお願いマッスル(I wanna get muscle!)Performed by Fairouz Ai and Kaito Ishikawa(ファイルーズあい、石川界人)