俺の名はジョージ会社勤めの安サラリーマンだ会社とアパートを往復するだけの味気ない生活そんな俺にも最近楽しみができたストリップ・クラブに通うことだお目当てはエボニーちゃんそして、家に帰るとPCを開き、彼女の動画を見つけることが俺の日課になっていたそんな俺の下に彼女がやってきた俺の住所は知らないはずなのに・・・My name is George.I\'m a cheap salaried office worker who works for a company.My day consists of going back and forth between the office and my apartment, a bland life.I\'ve had something to look forward to lately.It\'s about going to a strip club!I\'m going to that strip club to see Eboni, the stripper!And when I got home, it became my daily routine to open my computer and find her videos.Then she came to my house.She shouldn\'t know where I live in, but...Why not?