でオーク5人をねじ伏せたカトレアママン次の相手は3人の魔族このまま続けて、もっと悦ばせてあげるわ♡まだまだ、ご奉仕続けてあげるわ ウフフ・・・ウフフ♡何回でも、射精(だ)していいわよぉ~まだまだ、もっと続けてあげるわぁ大丈夫よぉ~貴男もわたしも気持ち良くなれるわ ウフフ・・・この絶望的な状況にも関わらず、怯むどころか三人の魔族を圧倒さえするカトレア果たして本当の悪魔はどちらなのだろうか(・・?, Cattleya with five oak oblivedThe next opponent is three demonsContinue this way and I will make it more pleasant ♡I will continue to serve you still more.UHUFU ...You can ejaculate any number of timesI will continue it more and moreI\'m fine, you and I can feel pleasant ... Uhufu ...Despite this hopeless situation Cattleya who even overwhelms the three demons besides being frightenedWhich is the true devil really?BGMShe DevilPerformed by Triumph(SUPER EUROBEAT vol.79)