某SEX DANCEを観て、「これなら(HSのsex motionで)作れるんじゃないか?」と、試しに作ってみた。が!いつものSEX SHOWになってしまった(-_-;)どちらかというと、海外のSEX EXPOとかPublic Sex Showなんかの雰囲気には近いものを感じたんだが・・・どうだろうか?I watched a certain SEX DANCE and tried it, "Is this possible with HS sex motion?"But!It became usual SEX SHOW (-_-;)If anything, I felt something close to the atmosphere of SEX EXPO or Public Sex Show …How about that?BGMFollow the LeaderPerformed by Wisin & Yandel featuring Jennifer Lopez