
千早いじめ再び! 街中で巨乳軍団に囲まれてのセンター歌唱 Chihaya bullied Part2 Singing at the center of the street surrounded by an army of big tits

  • 投稿日:2023/11/26
  • 3361 再生
  • 126 いいね


P「この衣装の名ははストリートホッパー!そのイメージを生かして今日は街頭ライブだ!もし暑かったら途中で脱いで踊ってもいいぞ」千早「そんなっ!こんな街中で衣装を脱ぐなんて事できませんっ!」あずさ「あらあら~千早ちゃん我慢は体に毒よ」美希「ホントに今日は暑いからぬいじゃおうかな?」貴音「まこと、美希は素直ですね」律子「アイドルがライブ中に倒れたら大変ですからね」千早「ライブ中に脱衣する方が大変な気が・・・」(くっ!!いくら暑くてもこの4人の中では脱ぎたくない・・・)P "The name of this costume is Street Hopper! With that image, we\'re going to do a street performance today! If it\'s too hot, you can take it off and dance in the middle of the song."Chihaya "Oh no! I can\'t take off my costume in the streets like this!"Azusa "Oh my gosh~ Chihaya-chan, it\'s not good for your health to be patient."Miki: "It\'s really hot today, so I should take off my costume."Takane: "Miki is really honest.Ritsuko "It would be a disaster if an idol collapses during a live performance.Chihaya "I think it\'s a bigger problem if we undresses during the live.... (No matter how hot it is, I don\'t want to undress among these four...)