
【初詣盗撮】着物の下に隠れたあずさの豊満ボディ透過で見たくない?[Voyeuristic shots at a shrine] Don\'t you want to see Azusa\'s voluptuous body hidden under the kimono transparently?

  • 投稿日:2024/1/1
  • 6265 再生
  • 252 いいね


明けましておめでとうございます。本年もよろしくお願いいたします。新年一発目は、神社で初詣ライブ中の着物姿のあずささんを透過盗撮してみました。\n着物の時は下着を付けないのが本当らしいので、この映像は正しいのかも?ボリューム満点の巨乳なんだけど、実際に着物着てたら締め付けられるから、こんなに揺れることないよね・・・\nまあ、そこは男のロマンって事で。Happy New Year!For the first video of the new year, I took a transparent sneak peek of Azusa in kimono while she was singing at a shrine.\nIt is said that it is customary not to wear underwear when wearing a kimono, so maybe this video is right?Azusa has big tits, but if she were actually wearing a kimono, she would be so tight that she wouldn\'t be able to swing so much...\nWell, that\'s a man\'s desire.