做的最爽的一集,一天狂肝14h,太想和守岸人搞小啾啾了。\n更高清晰度:patreon.com/GlacierIceeeee【afd同名\n吐槽:搞不懂i站为什么要把540p的分辨率屏蔽掉,长视频根本发不出去720p.只能把码率降到1m左右,这真是人能看的清晰度?The coolest episode I did, 14 hours a day, I want to have sex with The ShorekeeperHD version:patreon.com/GlacierIceeeeeTuca:I don\'t understand why iwara wants to block the resolution of 540p,Long videos can\'t be sent out at all 720p.can only reduce the video bitrate to1M or so,This is really the clarity that people can see?