
JK Raiden Mei Fuckin – Tell Me What You Want [ Face Masked Ver ]

  • 投稿日:2024/11/11
  • 70677 再生
  • 2807 いいね


Hello There My Good Sirs…!!! How Are Ya’ll Doing? I Hope Ya’ll Doing Just Fine :DAnd yes sir, we got ourself a guess, and a new member in the After School Sex Club…!!!\nIts RAIDEN MEI….!!!\nDAMN she looks super cute in that sailor uniform XDI FUCKING LOVE IT XDShe\'s peeking in to the club, looking super interested, so we invite her in, and give her a very very close look in to the club, a very very detailed look in to the club activities XDAnd hey, she seems to like the dick, I mean the club so much, and seems to enjoy those dicks, I mean the club activites XDAlthough the boys got carried away at the end there, and probably goes too far with her, since this is her first time in the clubWell, I’m pretty sure we can make her addicted to dicks, I mean like the club activities XDAs I said before, there are 3 version of this month video, this is the first ver, which is a face masked verThe other two are, a version without a face mask, and a version without face mask and glassesThe other two will be release here next weekJK RAIDEN MEI FUCKIN – TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT [ UNMASKED VER ] will be release here on iwara next week, 18th November 2024 to be exactAnd JK RAIDEN MEI FUCKIN – TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT [ UNMASKED NO GLASSES VER ] will be released the nexk week after that. 25th November 2024 to bexactAll three already available on my patreon right now, you can watch it right now on my patreon if you don’t want to wait :D, which of course also will help me so much :DCan\'t Wait? You Can Watch It Right Now On My Patreonhttps://www.patreon.com/erenarinBecome a patreon and get one week early access to my mmd sex video in 1080P and 4KPlease consider to support me on patreon if you can, that will help me to make more mmdsWhy all of these versions?\nWell, I use the face mask to add that amateurs AV vibe to it, you know that kind of amateurs AV where they use face mask or blur the face, with real actor, I don’t like it, but weirdly with anime girl, I do ;ike itSpecially with a char like mei here, you already know her face, so for me adding the face mask doesn’t feels like she cover anything, I already know how she looks, so its just add more real amateurs AV vibe to it, so yeah I like itBut of course, I can understand that not everyone gonna like it with the face mask, so I made the unmasked ver, it just turning off a morph, so its easy to doAnd then a person from my patreon asked a no glasses ver too, so I made that too, I really like the glasses, I think it looks super cute, but hey, again, its not for everyone i guessIt makes me need to render 3 times, so with the dance one, that’s 4 videos to render, but well, I just read some doujhin while rendering, so I guess its fineagain, it’s the same video, just with or without face mask and glasses differentAlso, a huge thanks to zien zao for helping me with making the crowd model, I finally can make these super huge orgy video :DModel Edits by - mmd zack R18Music - Tell Me What You Want S3RL feat TamikaFind Me on Twitter - @RinErenaPs: if you would like to use my animation, you can, I usually do trade with a model or you can pay zack to make me a model for it, send me a massage for more details, although my motion is more complicated to use, it wont be as easy as loading the motion to the model and that’s it like normal dance motion, you will need to edit the model to add some extra bones, and also do lots of OP, and also readjust the motion to your model, so it will be lots more effort to use it, just a fair warningwelp, that was all for nowi hope you can enjoy this one