
Marcille Donato being possessed after being separated from the main party 👻

  • 投稿日:2024/12/17
  • 1137 再生
  • 47 いいね


Sorry for taking a long break. I got super demotivated with trying to learn to draw, and I still am just not going to post anything until I\'m proud of it. I\'ve been trying to learn how to animate over the last few months so please let me know if you enjoy it. I have a few other ideas for animations as well, so my next step is to work on those while I learn to draw in between. There is no audio in the animation because I am either trying to look into voice actors to voice this or ask around for a good generic sfx pack. If you know of any sites that support better upload sizes that I can share please let me know! If you know either please reach out to me on Twitter!If you enjoyed the animation please follow me on Twitter for updates :)\nTwitter: https://x.com/vesseltsfPixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/35258293