Titans Tower, Jump City, December 31st, 2024, 10:30 pmStarfire: "Friend Raven?"Raven Looks up from Reading her book of arcane SpellsStarfire: "I\'mn kin of Nervous about tonight\'s performance at the club.. What if I mess up?"Raven: Star,fire, I don\'t think You\'ll mess up tonight.. OVer the last coupld o fwe4eks, I\'ve had that one girl (LadybugI I Believe her name is ), to teach you how to strip, and I think you will definitely leave an Impression on the audience.."Starfire: "YOu think?"Raven: Hey, wwhat could go wrong?"Meanwhile...Gotham City- December 31st, 2024, Ace Chemical FactoryHarleyQuinn: "So Mr. J? What is on your plate tonight? Planing to Celebrate the new Year?"Joker: "Oh Believe me Harley old Girl, It\'s going to be a blow out over at Jump City tonihgt.. Especially with the nice Little present I left under the stage there... and It will go off right about midnight..."Harley Quinn: "Mr. J, What is it? Party Favors? Confetti?"Joker: "Oh It\'s a lot better harley.. Let\'s jsut say we\'re going to start this year off when I get rid of a bunch of people.. Especailly that one kid, What was his name again Harl?"Harley: I think the kid\'s name was Grasyon...Dick Frayson," You know the Boy Wonder?"Joker Hops off his chair..."Right! That one! After all you know how the fans hated that other kid Bats had.. Well tonight I\'m goint to wipe the smirk off of his face with my little party Favor , especially when that Girl e has slung around his sshoulder , And I\'m not talking about the Commisioner\'s daughter..."Harley: "So what is this gag all about?"JOker: Let\'s say, I\'m going to serve up a little "Injustice of my own , but this time on Jump City! Laughs Maniacally..Uh Oh, I smell Trouble a coming...And yes I mean real trouble.. Cause right now, I\'m just getting too old for this.. and just like that other superhero, what was it? Oh yeeah, Spiderman, Well just like Him, as he said it best..."I\'m just getting too od for this job.. (And I am...)So a simple Poll, one word says it all... either..."Continue" or "Stop"that\'s all it is to it.. Just one of those two words.. or if you like it, that counts as a continue vote..I Might make this my last video in this group.. I\'ve spent a decade here, but maybe it\'s time to move on... after all I got bigger better things to do.. (And I do too, believe me I love MMD, but .. it\'s getting kind of old hat... So tonight, I leave you guys with one final present.. and beleive me as the joker would say..*It\'ll be a hot time in the old town tonight *BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HA!)Have fun with this one.. also no comments weant I\'ll stop , pur and simple.. no more videos after this I guess..Ah well, all\'s well that end\'s well. But who knows? I might come back late rthis year with maybe 1 or two final videos then I\'m hanging it up for good.But enjoy! I\'ll be checking in from time to time,. From my orbiting Space station.. Looks at Watch 11:57 PM Time to start the show.. We\'ll cath the aftermath later..Oh, and Happy 2025.. Hope it goes good for the rest of you..Peace Out.