我很高兴耀嘉音不是现实生活中的明星,只有在游戏中她才是最完美的。我很高兴伊芙琳不是现实生活中的经纪人,只有在游戏中她才是不可战胜的。\n希望这个超长特辑能陪伴你的新年假期!新年快乐!\n有问题和建议可以在评论区留言,谢谢你的支持!\n(🦈正在路上~)\nI am glad that Astra is not a real life star , only in the game is she perfect. I\'m glad that Evelyn is not a real life agent, only in the game is she unbeatable.\nIf you have any questions or suggestions, please leave a comment in the comments section. Thank you for your supportHappy New Year!\n(The shark is on its way🦈🦈🦈)