這是我的patreon.如果您喜歡我的影片的話歡迎支持一下 This is my patreon https://www.patreon.com/MingJaplease support me if you enjoy my content. I\'be glad if you are willing to show me some love <3注 我的patreon會員是從你訂閲的當天開始,而不是每個月的第一天。 My patreon subscription rule starts the day you subscribe, not the first day of the month.因為這個角色的妝容和材質問題耽擱了幾天。所以更新推遲了一些。有點遺憾的是,沒有找到紅繩和貓兒頭飾-。-Sorry, it\'s been delayed for a few days because of makeup and material issues for this character. So the update was delayed a bit.卡片(card)Scratch-Key Sweet