ヴィンディケア と 奏渚 汐藍 - HELLOVENUS - Wiggle WiggleI often tend to belittle what I do here. But this time it is a real milestone. I started with @GentleWhiteCat ‘s camera motions. And at the core his camera angles are still part of the video and gave me crucial guidance. But nevertheless I changed so much that I would dare to call it my camera motion.It was an interesting experience to craft camera motions that try to capture all the sweet spots of our heroines. At times it was kind of a silly challenge to see how long I can circle around both without a single cut (Final high score: 2548 frames (1712 - 4259) almost one and a half minutes). I hope you don\'t get dizzy.Needless to say, I am very happy with the result. I will contact @GentleWhiteCat in the upcoming days to ask for his permission to release the camera motion crediting him and me. If he agrees I will leave a link here.As you can see I also finally start to better understand the PMX-Editor, which is the second breakthrough. While Vindicare in school uniform was just a mess, Kananagi in her new street outfit works quite flawless. With a now basic understanding of how to change models, there are a lot of cool opportunities. I will certainly properly redo Vindicare in school uniform, and I could even provide Kananagi with some growth, if you know what I mean. But for now I suppose I will go with the slogan “flat is justice”.Choosing the proper lighting for this scene may have been the most challenging part. I have used not less than 16 individual light sources in this video. The problem is that Kananagi needs a lot of light to shine, while Vindicare can’t tank as much. Initially I went with only light from the floor, but due to all the low camera angles the tube lights also had an undeniable charmed. Poronio was an enormous help when creating the video. He gave me a lot of great advises. It was also him, coming up with the idea to include some fog. This solved some problems, but I tell you it was an atrocious task to stabilize the now inconsistent lighting strength and temperature. I guess I still haven’t found the perfect solution but it should suffice. I also want to thank @fleischaal014 for providing me useful feedback during the work process.By now you should have figured out, that I am rather unpredictable. I can’t tell what will come next. But with the imminent Lenten season, the next video may not be released until after Easter.Have some mercy with me, the altered version will be released tomorrow.https://mega.nz/folder/aZYwEJDR#m4LatJFNO96c4rSHhdn-rQCreditsAssetNameCreatorAudio:HELLOVENUS - Wiggle WiggleHELLOVENUSMotion:【MMD-4K】Hello Venus - Wiggle Wiggle 動作配布【Motion DL】GentleWhiteCatTstorage:WiggleWiggle_MMD_Motion Ver2NoireultraCamera:【MMD-4K】Hello Venus - Wiggle Wiggle 動作配布【Motion DL】GentleWhiteCat⭐Model:EL-Pr219 (Vengeance)Quappa-ElModel:EL-Pr242 (KANANAGI)Quappa-ElModel:EL-Pr243M1(FUKUHARAE)Quappa-ElObservers:Generic Anime DudesEnieuTstorage:Generic Anime DudesEnieuAccessory:いろいろ帽子セットver2.0 / スクールバッグ20181105キャベツ鉢Stage:牢屋ステージ_拘束台unknownTstorage:牢屋ステージ_拘束台Blob🏝️Textures:DX RayCast Hair Pack - hbeehbee-mmdTextures:Colour shift Hair Pack - hbeehbee-mmdMaterials:ヴィンディケア・ヴェンジェンスmaterial / Materials for Vindicare悪人🪄Effect:Ray-MMDRuiEffect:Diffusion7SoboroBurner:Burner effectBeamManP📚Tutorial:The Ultimate Ray-MMD Tutorial for Beginners ( 5 Easy to Use MMD Effects)The Weeb Dev MMD Ch.Tutorial:Level Up Your Night Scenes Using Ray-MMD【Beginner\'s Tutorial 2025】The Weeb Dev MMD Ch.Thanks for watching!