
💉Sex Overdosed [HMV] - Hare_MV (Voiced)

  • 投稿日:2025/3/6
  • 1484 再生
  • 41 いいね


Hey you guys, how\'s it going around? Got you another HMV, hope you enjoy(^_^).About the source, its from a manga I liked very very much. I\'m glad it got animated, so I made this HMV for it right away. Choosing the music PHARMACIST - OVERDO$E as BGM also came from the inspiration while reading the manga, for the heroine got dosed before having sex.I\'m not sure if there will be another HMV in the future, it\'s kinda time-consuming and a bit boring. I’m trying to make HMVs people may like, but it even didn\'t satisfy me in the end. Maybe it\'s because the HMV was produced by myself, but I prefer that the HMV is just not good enough. I rather jerk on someone else\'s one,,ԾㅂԾ,, ...However, I shall try my best to enhance my skills in editing and make a better HMV. In fact, I just get to work with Adobe After Effects to create the opening yesterday. Work with only PR isn\'t good enough, I suppose it will work out better next time•̀ω•́\n———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————有什么是比刚看完原作就收到要动画化的消息更令人振奋的呢?啊,我说的败犬女主第二季哈哈哈(不是知道《野野原柚花的秘密直播》动画化的消息也是在看完原作之后,看到是雷火剑制作就更兴奋了(ˇ∀ˇ)。一直都在盼着2月28日的到来,虽然是在两天之后才找到了资源(感谢无私奉献的广大网友),也是没让人失望的作画,直接立刻投入到制作当中。看到i站陆续有了这个素材的HMV发布,知道了很多人一样也很喜欢这部作品,就是不知道现在我的HMV还能不能得到大家的青睐(啊,像是被打入冷宫的感觉是怎么回事∑( 口 ||)漫画我是狠狠拜读了至少三遍,作者的其他漫画也看了,真的是宝藏本子画手°▽°* (虽然还是想吐槽,这个作者怎么那么喜欢让女孩子嗑药啊,看得我都有点生理不适了,虽然本子不需要管那么多...)另外还有一个想说的点,那就是感觉里番的声优或者是同人创作的cv实在是有点敷衍,听着都要软了... 我第二个做的HMV里的原声其实用的就是正在玩的galgame里女主的台词,不过效果好像也没差多少...大家觉得HMV这种到底要怎么加声音比较好?还是说不加声音呢?话是这么说,不过接下来估计也没啥时间做HMV了,等到不知道多久以后的下次作品再见吧~\n———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————SONG: PHARMACIST - OVERDO$E ; Source: OVA 野々原柚花のヒミツのハイシン #1-2