I don’t actually play mobile games, so don’t really recognize where the girls in the videos are from and how they work it, but FUUUCK(♡∀♡)ヾ☆。!!!This HMV is just a simple compilation of the artworks from some artists, I really like their work.I’ll try to bring an HMV that have a bit of plot in it next time so that it might better spice things up(•﹃•)\n———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————哟,米娜桑,哦斯(。•o•。∩)~这次的HMV做的比较短也比较急,是因为做到一半才感觉糅合了几个作者的作品进去不太对味,剪到后面就没啥激情了,(也是到瓶颈期了),就想先这样吧。不过也还是有好好注入了一点心血的,当然各种程度上来讲注入了不止心血(笑^ω^)这周总共下载了20多个G的素材,但是总感觉还是嘛打嘛打哒,下着下着也快把自己冲昏了,磁盘也快满了...希望下一个HMV出来之前人还健在吧>_<¦¦¦\n———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————🎶BGM: Mike Candys - Drinkin💋ARTISTS: Yakin@ACG EDIT, MAKO, WaterRing, Shaggy SUSU