I am very sorry for all of the clipping issues, but I am far too lazy to edit the motion for this many models. I also struggled to figure out the newest version of raycast; just couldn\'t get things set the way that I wanted. I hope you like it none the less. As always, I own nothing and all of the glory goes to the creators. Enjoy! ^_^Motion by MOKA: https://bowlroll.net/file/53515 Pass: もうそうSong: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZHiGLt7g8ERaycast: https://github.com/ray-cast/ray-mmdKirakira effect: https://chestnutscoop.deviantart.com/art/MMD-KiraKiraSparkle-Effect-DL-516667665Stage: https://samsink.deviantart.com/art/MMD-STAGE-Lotus-Pond-V1-00-DL-632205971Team RWBY by J&J and Prom: http://tstorage.info/users/Jim944Kali and Cinder: http://mmda.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=1170