
The night is not over yet...

  • 投稿日:2019/9/17
  • 4827 再生
  • 43 いいね


夏か・・・恋の季節とみんなは言うけれど・・・今年もわたしには関係無いのかしら・・・「いいなぁ~竜之介くん・・・わたしもあんなに素直になれたらいいのに・・・」面堂シーパラダイスは陽が落ちた後も夏を謳歌する若者の熱気であふれていた否、むしろ夜になってからが本当の盛り上がりを見せていたと言っても過言ではなかった此処、面堂シーパラダイスの一角にある小さなナイトカフェにもたくさんの男たちの賑わいを見せていた彼らのお目当ては毎夜ステージ上で行われるセックスショーだった藤波竜之介は今やこのカフェのNo.1ステージガールとなっていた父親からの呪縛から解放された竜之介は、カトレアという新たな保護者から、「いっぱいセックスをすれば女らしくなれる」という教えを守り、此処面堂シーパラダイスでも女修業に勤しんでいた竜之介の派手な男漁りを目を付けたのが、東京から来たカフェの女性店長だった「やっぱり男の人って胸の大きな女(ひと)の方がいいのかしら?」面堂との仲を深めたいと思い、島に来たしのぶであったが、当の面堂はカトレアとカトレアの友人たちに夢中で別荘に引きこもった状態であっただが、しのぶは面堂と面堂シーパラダイスに今何が起きているかなぞ知る由(よし)もなかった丁度そんな時だった「これは天道あかねではないか! 随分探したぞ」しのぶは、真後ろで声がしたのでその方向に振り向いてみた「おっとこれは失礼。人違いであったか」声の主は九能帯刀だった。雰囲気の似たしのぶとあかねを間違えたらしいだが、当のしのぶは、「(あら、いい男じゃない♥)」「しからば御免」立ち去ろうとする九能に、「ちょっと女性に声をかけたまま立ち去ろうとするなんて無粋じゃありません?」しのぶの問いかけに九能は、「それもそうだな、わたしで良ければお付き合いいただけるかな?あっと、そこの女給、彼女と同じものを頼む」九能はしばし談笑した後、改めてあかねやらんまを探すつもりだったが、予想以上に話が盛り上がってしまい、「ねぇ、店を出ない?」そう言われて断る理由は九能には無かった夜はまだまだ終わりそうもないSummer…Everyone say’s it’s the season of love…...though I wonder if it’ll pass me by again this year…“Envious, Ryunosuke…I wish I could be as honest as her... "Mendo Sea Paradise was filled with the enthusiasm of young people enjoying summer after the sun fellNo, it was no exaggeration to say that it was really exciting after nightHere is that the small night cafe in the section of Mendo Sea Paradise were busy by a lot of menTheir aim had been see a sex show on stage every nightFujinami Ryunosuke had became now the No.1 stage girl in this cafeRyunosuke, who was released from her father\'s curse, protected her teaching from a new guardian named Cattleya that you could become a feminine if you had a lot of sex, and she was also working on a female training here at Mendo Sea ParadiseLooking at Ryunosuke\'s flashy prowling for guys, she persuaded by a female store manager of a cafe from Tokyo“Is it true that men more like women with big tits?”Shinobu came to this island because he wanted to have an intimate relationship with Mendo, but Mendo was crazy about Cattleya and her friends and who had been stayed in just a villaBut Shinobu had no way of knowing what is happening now in Mendo and Mendo Sea ParadiseThis time was exactly the timeAre you Tendo Akane,aren\'t you? I\'ve been searching a lot!"Shinobu made a voice in the back, so I turned around in that direction"Oops, this is rude. May be I’ve mistaken you for someone else”This voice was Kuno Tatewaki. It is said that apparently Shinobu and Akane had a similar atmosphereBut Shinobu is,“(Oh, good looking♥)”“Excuse me, baby”Kuno is about to leave“Hey, trying to leave a woman with a voice,you throw the wet blanket!”Kuno was asked by Shinobu…“Oh, that\'s right. If you\'d like a bit extra time with meOh, waitress, please give me she\'s same drink"Kuno will be hope to look for Akane and Ranma again after chatting for a while, but the conversation with her was more exciting than expected,“Hey, don\'t you leave the store with me?”There was no reason to refuse to KunoThe night is not over yet...