
Astolfo Looks Like A Lady

  • 投稿日:2017/9/10
  • 37401 再生
  • 266 いいね


After a year of lurking, I\'ve decided to make actual videos!I\'m Aaron, and I\'m gay as hell. Miss me with that hetero shit (kidding, kidding, I don\'t have anything against straight people). Traps 4 lyfe.I figured that, if this is gonna be my first video, I might as well set it to a fitting song.I\'ve also got Felix Argyle and Mizushima Saki videos coming up soon (the Felix video is rendering now, and I\'m doing the Saki one immediately afterwards).The song is Dude Looks Like a Lady by Aerosmith.I found this Astolfo model in, like, five minutes, so I won\'t bother sourcing it. Just google "Astolfo MMD model." I downloaded it from Nico.The guy he\'s sucking off is Mr. Orzo\'s Shadow Person.The motion is the BJ motion from Ademar440\'s Pink Lounge Sex.The cum is an edited version of Ademar440\'s sperm model.The stage and effects are from phoenix2\'s Star Gate Stage............more like asstolfo amirite