
Dive to Blue - (bonus ending!) 【おまけ!】 - 2020 ver: 317 kbit/s - お願い、つみ式ネルテトをイワラへ誘ってください?

  • 投稿日:2017/7/19
  • 17336 再生
  • 173 いいね


master206さんのこちらの動画: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30003654 に、つみ式亞北ネルと重音テトを見つけましたよ。このモデルのIwaraデビューをとても見たいんです。しかしニコニコには、うP主と連絡することは、簡単じゃないです。それに私はツイッターを持っていないんです。俺のことは、外人だ!ですから、日本語で私の考えを伝えたい時に、いつもいつも長くなります。私の日本語のセリフの精度は良くなければ、もっともっと長く考えの説明をして、本当に伝えるために。ツイッターで短いメッセージしか出来ません。こんなに長過ぎる日本語は出来ません。master206さんのツイッターはこれです: https://twitter.com/master206tw?lang=jaつみ式リンとミクは、そばに新しい仲間をほしいです。四人で、一緒に踊りたいんからですね。 Above, I\'m asking my Japanese viewers to please get in touch with Master206, and hopefully make him let his Crime type models Neru and Teto have their nude debut at Iwara. Love juice is white and pee is yellow. Miku is not peeing in this video! She\'s just "wet like a fountain" and dripping a bit. (Less than 1.1 % liquid flow was lost upon rendering, so I had to settle for 1.1% flow). Most MMD models are A-models, holding their arms in the shape of the letter A. This motion was made for T-models, holding their arms like a T. An A-model can\'t be used with a T-motion. The only solution is edit the A-model to a T-model with PMX/PMD/Blender. The only? Whenever I hear someone say "the only", then I always start to think about other ways instead (me in a nutshell). As you can see here in my video, very basic bondage makes it possible to use unedited A-models right away with this T-motion. 作詞・ Lyrics: hyde 様: http://www.animelyrics.com/jpop/larcenciel/divetoblue.htm作曲・ Music: tetsu 様唄・ Vocals: L\'ArcenCiel 様音楽出版・ Music publisher: SANYO 様: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm29876796背景ビデオ・ Background video: master206 様: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30003654プロ野球の「イベント歓声1」:コモリたいら様・ ”After Events”background sound: Taira Komori: http://taira-komori.jpn.org/event01en.html お借りしたMMDもの・ Borrowed MMD items:モーション・ Motion: ko R U R i 様: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm29973938つみ式ミク:つみだんご様・ Tsumi-Miku / Crime type Miku: Tsumidango:http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm27427927http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm29503530ヌードバージョン・ Nude version: Tsumi-Miku / Crime type Miku edit: J&J 様: http://www.iwara.tv/forums/model-edited-modelsヌードバージョンの顔や乳首や臍や肌のニューエディット・ Nude version face/nipple/navel/skin/etc new edit: NIBIRUS 様: http://ecchi.iwara.tv/users/nibirus-r18ヌードつみ式鏡音リン・ Nude Tsumi-Rin / Crime type Rin Kagamine: NIBIRUS 様亞北ネロ:あにまさ様・ Nero Akita: Animasa: http://mmdnerothailand.deviantart.com/art/MMD-Akita-Nero-DL-405976641Tda MEIKO: Tda様 / J&J様 edit: http://www.iwara.tv/forums/model-edited-models腕の拘束・ Arm bondage: Shioku-990 様: http://shioku-990.deviantart.com/art/MMD-Peace-sign-chokers-200794536肩の拘束・ Shoulder bondage: mori03 様: http://seiga.nicovideo.jp/seiga/im4974992凸凹バナナのアナルおもちゃ・ Bumpy Banana anal dildo: The Horrible Mu 様: http://the-horrible-mu.deviantart.com/art/MMD-MMM-Accessories-Banana-Bom...凸凹バナナのアナルおもちゃのヘアバンド・ Bumpy Banana anal dildo bow: NIBIRUS 様ビデオカメラ・ Camcorder: 1様: https://bowlroll.net/file/1182奪わないための掛け軸:きしれん様(と俺)・ Antitheft scrolls: Admiral Kishiren (and me):http://seiga.nicovideo.jp/seiga/im4353836http://ecchi.iwara.tv/images/stolen-iwara-anti-theft-scrollsステージ: ダンスホールver. 1.31:お遊戯P様、ヒノイ様、Kid様、黒胡椒様、銀匙P様、布カブッP様Stage: Dance Hall ver. 1.31: Oyuugi-P, Hinoi, Kid, Kurogoshou, Ginsaji-P, Nuno, Kabu’-P: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm16313647https://onedrive.live.com/?id=70C68CF16F0BDE95!252&cid=70C68CF16F0BDE95溢れてる愛液のMME:E教授様・ Overflowing love juice MME: Professor E: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm29934192https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AZXpSJoGfg&list=PLZ5Xbs4kyolQOwScGTo8Fr...MME AdultShader: Elle/Deeta-P,(Elle様/データP様):http://ux.getuploader.com/Elle_DataPort/download/9/AdultShader_v014.ziphttp://xoriu.deviantart.com/art/MMD-Shader-Preview-3-456570375 Used software:PMXPhotoshopMMDMMEAudacityVirtualDubAviUtlHandbrakeAegissub Fps note:30 fps background video, 60 fps foreground video.(No 29.97/30.00 fps mixup this time). MMD notes:Rin\'s Bumpy Banana anal dildo is merely 20% inserted, to avoid that its bow clips inside her buttocks. A shallow insert is actually equally good, since its mainly the entrance of the anus that has sensitive nerves. Banana shaped dildos is of course the natural choice in the Kagamine family.I added physics in the rear half of the tyres, so Miku\'s twintails won\'t clip through her tyre. It almost looks like some static electricity is keeping the twintails and tyre apart. Also in real life can hair be affected by static electricity from plastic. I did not add any physics in the front half of the tyres, to avoid that the free bouncing of the breasts would be hampered.The clothes pegs were added in PMX, and the rest of the props were OP-registered in MMD. If you OP-register accessories to fluttering parent bones such as neckties, twintails or breasts, then will the accessory lag behind the model, and hoover in the air a bit after the model upon rendering. So I was forced to delete the clothes pegs in MMD and add them in PMX instead.I once paid extra to get white BMX tyres instead of black ones, because it looked better on a white frame. This time, I intentionally left out the black tyre texture file, in order to get that white colour I once paid extra for. The first time a missing texture white MMD model has made me happy... FluidSimulation 2.0 notes:Null_13 = 0.01 or lower liquid flows will not show a single drop of liquid upon rendering at 30fps, despite that plenty of drops are visible in the MMD work window. The limit is considerably higher than 0.01 if the video is rendered at 60 fps. Hence, for this video I selected the lowest possible practical flow: Null_13 = 0.011 rendered at 30 fps. I made the rest of the video as 60 fps. AviUtl automaticaly lets the first video clip decide the bitrate for the entire project. Thus, the end scene was converted from 30fps to 60 by AviUtl. Usually it\'s MMD that duplicates the new inbetween frames for 60 fps, but this honour went to AviUtl this time.And here is a link to my tutorial for this effect: https://ecchi.iwara.tv/forums/practical-use-fluidsimulation-20-effect (All people are different. Rin\'s likes to have a vibrating dildo up in her butthole, whereas Miku likes to have her nipples pinched. Rin is twitching without visible dripping, whereas Miku is dripping without visible twitching.)