
九能帯刀 我が生涯に一片の悔いなし!( KUNO TATEWAKI, NOT ONE OUNCE of REGRET in MY LIFE! )

  • 投稿日:2019/9/8
  • 5037 再生
  • 40 いいね


最初に断っておきますが、今回登場する九能帯刀ですが、全く似てません(;´д`)CAUTION! Kuno Tatewaki that appears this time has been not similar at all(;´д`)「久しいな、終ちゃん」「よく来てくれた、く~ちゃん!」久々の再会に喜び合う面堂終太郎と九能帯刀二人は通う学校は違(たが)えども、父親同士が友人だった縁で、面堂は九能のことを「く~ちゃん」と呼び、九能は面堂のことを「終ちゃん」と呼び合うほどの幼少からの幼馴染だった九能「さすがは面堂財閥の財力を駆使しただけのことはあるな。おっと! 終ちゃんの経営手腕の賜物だったな」面堂「お世辞はいいよ。今日は遠路はるばる来てくれたく~ちゃんにせめてものおもてなしだ。入ってくれ」面堂に呼ばれて現れたのは・・・九能「こ、これは!?」???「九能先輩♥」???「九能セ~~ンパイ♥」九能「天道なびきとおさげの女ではないか!」面堂「どうかな?気に入ってくれたかな?」九能「気に入ったも何も・・・おぉ~~っ! 終ちゃん、君こそ我が心の友だ!! 我が人生でこれほど嬉しく思ったことは無いぞ!!!」あかね「先輩、一緒に気持ち良くなりましょ♥」らんま「センパイ、思いっきり可愛がってくださいね♥」九能「おぉ~~っ!念願のWデートォ~~~ッ!! 我が生涯に一片の悔いなし!!!」面堂「それじゃ、僕は人を待たせてるからこれにて」九能「感謝する(感涙)」“Long time no see, Shu-chan”“Thank you for coming all the way, Ku-chan”Mendo Shutaro and Kuno Tatewaki rejoicing in reunion after a long timeThe school they are attending is different, but because their fathers were friends, they had been childhood friend too, Mendo called Kuno “Ku-chan” and Kuno called Mendo “Shu-chan”Kuno“As expected, the power of Mendo Konzern is amazing. Oops! Owing to Shu-chan\'s management skills too. \'\'Mendo “Oh, you must be flattering me. Thank you for traveling such a long time distance to visit us in today,Ku-chan.This is my hospitality for you. Come in!”It was an unexpected person appeared in the call of MendoKuno “Y… You are…”??? “Senpai♥”???“Seeenpai♥”Kuno “You are Tendo Akane and Pigtailed girl, aren\'t you!?”Mendo “How about? Do you like them?”Kuno “Anything anymore…Ohhh! You are my bosom friend!! I’m very happy from the bottom of my heart!!!”Akane”Senpai, let’s liting with us♥”Ranma“Senpai♥ Let\'s have sex as much fun as we possibly can!”Kuno “Oh! I had been waiting for this double date!! NOT ONE OUNCE of REGRET in MY LIFE!!!”Mendo “Then,I\'m sorry for this because I\'m waiting for people”Kuno “I appreciate you!”