天使のようなマリアと小悪魔のようなリサ俺(達也)はタイプの違う二人の女の子を同時に愛してしまったようだAngelic Maria and devilish LisaI’ve fallen in love with two totally different women at the same timeマリアと念願の初体験を終えた達也だったが、その直後、リサとも関係をもってしまう達也はマリアとリサ、二人の魅力的な女の子との微妙だが甘美な生活は続いていたそして・・・Tatsuya finished his first long-awaited experience with MariaBut right after that, Tatsuya was invited by Lisa to have sexAnd Tatsuya became having sex with LisaTatsuya had been having subtle but sweet life with Maria and Lisa, two attractive girlsAfter that…期末試験も終わってホッと一息ついたある日の放課後俺はリサに誘われ誰もいない教室に残っていたWhen finals had finished and we’d recovered from them,one day after schoolLisa asked me to stay after in an empty classroom達也「面堂シーパラダイス?」リサ「えぇ、夏休みに入ったらすぐに・・・ マリアはもう誘ってあるのよ」達也「マリアも一緒でいいなんて、随分思いやりがあるんだな」リサ「男の子と二人っきりなんていくらうちの親でも認めないわよそれに・・・わたしも達也を想う気持ちは同じだから・・・」達也「それは光栄だな♥」Tatsuya “Mendo Sea Paradise?”Lisa “Sure, just as soon as summer vacation starts. I’ve already invited Maria”Tatsuya “Maria’s coming too? That sure was kind of you”Lisa “Even my parents wouldn’t let me go with a guy. You know what…Maria and I both think of you in the same way”Tatsuya “Wow, that makes me pretty happy♥”そこで俺は考えたんだ夏休み、その面堂シーパラダイスとやらに行くこの機会を利用してマリアとリサ、二人を俺の完全な肉奴隷にして^^じゃなかった^^俺の大きな愛で包み込んでお互いに嫉妬しないような関係にしてやろうと・・・とにかく今となってはこの学園で一、二を争う美少女のリサを手放すことは考えられないI came up with my plan then that during summer vacation at the Mendo Sea ParadiseI’d turn both Maria and Lisa into my obedient sex slave^^Not! Actually, I decided to wrap both of them in my great big love and work it so that they wouldn’t be jealous of each otherIn my case, right then I had no intention of letting go of one of the best babes in this school, Lisaそして、リサもまたAnd Lisa also...そして今わたしは達也の命令でマリアにハレンチな行為をしかけようとしているのね心が痛むわいっそ全てを打ち明けてしまいたいでもわたしはもう達也なしでは生きていけない彼の命令には絶対に逆らえないのよAnd now, here I am, carrying out Tatsuya’s tricking Maria into shameless acts. It hurts me inside. So much so thet I feel like revealing everything to Maria.But I can’t live without Tatsuya. I would never go against his orders