
[SABA-PMM 0.23 Test] Bondage Game

  • 投稿日:2019/7/14
  • 16554 再生
  • 197 いいね


This video is a test of SABA-PMM (v.0.23). (sometimes v.0.17 is shown by cache problem, please reload again the saba-pmm web page.) The saba-pmm viewer was updated to ver.0.23 with implementation of basic PBR (direct reflection only), three auxiliary lights and several improvements. The three aux-lights eliminates flattening of the image due to simple ambient light.Motion was edited by MMD and converted AVI by SABA-PMM . On the SABA-PMM , all the rendering parameters were default except for the tntn (metallicity and roughness were set to 0.3). Sonunds and credits were introduced using ShotCut.Resources:ModelsEnocolo-gusa (こんにゃく式エノコログサ (LXedit)) (https://ecchi.iwara.tv/images/エノコログサ-lewd-model-dl)Edited by You32081 using PMXE.AccessoriesRope Set (ぐるぐるロープセットver1_01) (https://bowlroll.net/file/151578) by あさぬ様 ([email protected])Hands and Mouns (紳士ハンドマウス) (https://bowlroll.net/file/113733) by 細かすぎP様TnTnまとめ161017 (http://tstorage.info/28at63a341tw) by tenehimu様Motion拘束ごっこモーション(http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm24818789) by sakigami様Background/Stage:Underground passage (地下道1) (http://seiga.nicovideo.jp/seiga/im3240126) by とぜん(徒然気まま)様 (http://seiga.nicovideo.jp/user/illust/19604891)SoundsSE/BGM suites by circle 「月に憑かれたピエロ」様SE by 小森平様 (https://taira-komori.jpn.org)Software/Video Codecs/ConverterMMD (https://sites.google.com/view/vpvp/) by 樋口優様(https://www.nicovideo.jp/user/2738735) for motion editing.SABA-PMM for AVI file output.PMX Editor (http://kkhk22.seesaa.net/article/282936786.html) by とある工房様 (http://kkhk22.seesaa.net/)3.1) IKMkaderX (http://www.paperguitar.com/mmd-related-items/134-ik-makerx.html) by kaz様 (http://www.paperguitar.com)ShotCut (https://shotcut.org)You32081