

  • 投稿日:2019/7/9
  • 5520 再生
  • 39 いいね


2017年(平成29年)文部科学省初等中等教育局は全日本戦車道連盟及び高校戦車道連盟からの要望を受け、2年後に実施される学習指導要領の改定のなかに、高等学校の選択科目に「戦車道」を追加することを決定したこれによって、全国の公立高校でも戦車道の授業を受講することが可能となったしかし、戦車という途方もなく高価な“教材”を新規で購入できる高校はほぼ皆無というのが現状でした諸星あたるが通う友引高校も状況は同じかと思われましたが、少子化により生徒数の減少に悩んでいた友引高校校長は、「これをチャンス」とばかりに、戦車を保有する生徒面堂終太郎に協力を要請面堂終太郎の快諾によって友引高校は戦車一台の無償提供を受けることに成功しましたこうして友引高校は戦車道部を結成することになり、2019年5月1日、令和の初日に本格的に活動を開始することになったのですが・・・2019年5月1日は連休中であったが、その休日を利用して友引高校駐車場内にて細やかな戦車道部創設のお披露目パーティーが行われていた来場したのは多くの友引町民や一般の見物客だけでなく、町会から町会長と役員、友引町を管轄する東京都練馬区の区長及び警察署長、そして高校戦車道連盟理事長西住しほも招いて盛大に行われていた一方、友引高校校長から戦車道部技術援助顧問を任命された面堂終太郎は、戦車道部顧問にサクラに要請。条件付きでこれを許諾部員には面堂を慕う三宅しのぶをはじめ、ラム・藤波竜之介の2年4組の御馴染のメンバーに加え、2年7組からランが参加彼女たちのサポートメンバーとして、しのぶ・竜之介・ランを目当ての諸星あたる、ラムが目当てのラムちゃん親衛隊の面々、サクラが目当ての温田先生といつもの面々が集まったそして今日は、校内で戦車道部結成お披露目パーティーの後、初めての訓練として友引町を一周するパレードが予定されているIn 2017(Heisei 29)The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology\'s Primary and Secondary Education Bureau received requests from the All Japan Sensha-do Federation and High School Sensha-do Federation, for revision of the course of study to be implemented after two years, who will decided to add "Sensha-do" as an elective for high schoolAs a result, it became possible to take Shensha-do classes at public high schools throughout the countryHowever, the current situation was that high schools that could purchase expensive new materials such as tanks were nearly impossible in realityTomobiki High School, where Ataru Moroboshi attends, was thought to be the same situation.However, Tomobiki High School Principal, who was suffering from a decline in the number of students due to the declining birth rate, asked the student Shutaro Mendou, who had the tank, to cooperate, thinking that this was a chanceDue to Shutaro Mendou\'s approval, Tomobiki High School has received one tank free of chargeIn this way, Tomobiki High School was to form a Sensha-do club, and on May 1st, 2019, it was decided to start activities in earnest on the first day of ReiwaOn May 1st, 2019, in the midst of “Reiwa\'s consecutive holidays,” but on the day of the holiday, a party had been held to celebrate the launch of the Sensha-do club in the Tomobiki High School Parking LotThe people who visited Tomobiki high school on this day are the people of Tomobiki town and general tourists, the town president and officers of Tomobiki town, the district chief and police chief of Nerima-ku, Tokyo, which has jurisdiction over Tomobiki town, and president of the High school Sensha-do Federation Shiho Nishizumi was also invited and heldOn the other hand, Shutaro Mendo, appointed by Tomobiki High School principal as Sensha-do club technical assistance adviser, requested to Sakura as the Sensha-do department adviserShe’ll give her approval for that under certain conditionsShinobu Miyake, Lum, Ryunosuke Fujinami, and Ran were selected as membersAs members to support them, Ataru Moroboshi aimed at Shinobu, Ryunosuke and Lan, members of Lum\'s guard team aiming at Lum, Mr.Onda aiming at Sakura, and usual friends gatheredAnd today, after the Sensha-do club\' reception at the school, a parade will plan on turn around Tomobiki town for the first time抜刀隊今回、動画の後半の挿入歌に「抜刀隊」を採用させていただきました自衛隊の観閲式(パレード)ではいつもこの曲がかけられ、私も自衛隊にいた頃、この曲で行進していたので思い入れもありましたBatoutai the Last SamuraiThis time, I adopted "Batoutai" for the second half of the video insert songIn the SDF\'s parade this song was always played, and when I was in the Self-Defense Force, I had been also attached because I was marching on this song1、抜刀隊とは明治維新(1868年10月23日(明治元年9月8日)から約10年後の1877(明治10)年に勃発した日本最後にして最大の内戦となった西南戦争において、最大の激戦であり、政府軍の勝利を決定づけた田原坂(たばるざか)の戦いで、その勝利に貢献した「抜刀隊」の勇姿と活躍を称えた日本最初の軍歌であるこの曲は先ず東京大学文学部教授外山正一(とやままさかず)の詩にフランス出身の軍事顧問(音楽指導)だったシャルル・ルルーが曲を付けたもの1,What is The Batoutai?The biggest fierce war in The Satsuma Rebellion that became Japan\'s last and largest civil war that broke out in 1877 (Meiji 10) about 10 years later from the Meiji Restoration (October 23, 1868 (September 8, the first year of Meiji)It is the first war song in Japan that honors the figure and activity of the “Batoutai” who contributed to the victory in the battle of Tabaruzaka who decided the victory of the government army.2、抜刀隊誕生とその活躍西南戦争田原坂の戦いにおいて鬼神の如き活躍を見せた抜刀隊の面々だったが、その正体は警視庁から派遣された警察官本来なら戦地での警察官の任務は、「占領地の治安維持」「軍隊内の犯罪の取り締まり」「後方支援」のはずであるそんな彼らが何故自ら刀を取り、当時の軍隊以上の働きを見せたのか?その理由を説明するには明治以前の会津戦争まで遡らなければいけません2-2,Batoutai birth and activityMembers of Batoutai showed fight of "Kijin (Fierce God)" in the Battle of Tabaruzaka, but their identity was a police officer dispatched from the Metropolitan Police DepartmentUnder normal circumstances, the police officer\'s mission on the battlefield should have been "maintaining security in the occupied area," "cracking down of criminal crime in the army," and "backward support."Why did they take their swords and do more work than the army at the time?It was necessary to back to the Aizu war before the Meiji era to explain the reason2-1、西郷隆盛vs旧幕府軍オールスターズ抜刀隊には元新選組副長助勤三番隊隊長斎藤一(当時は藤田五郎と改名してるのは「るろうに剣心」でもおなじみ)の姿も確認されているが、私が注目したのは佐川官兵衛直清なる人物この人は会津藩出身で最終的に家老にまで上り詰め、戊辰戦争最大の激戦となった会津戦争(1868年6月10日(慶応4年閏4月20日)~同年11月6日(明治元年9月22日)でも指揮官として戦い、その10年後、警察官となった彼は西南戦争田原坂の戦いにて再び仇敵西郷隆盛に相対することになる佐川官兵衛の活躍は、会津戦争は1986(昭和61)年12月30日・31日の日本テレビで放映された「年末時代劇スペシャル『白虎隊』で、田原坂の戦いは翌年の1987(昭和62)年12月30日・31日、同じく「年末時代劇スペシャル『田原坂』で描かれ、どちらも本田博太郎氏が熱演されている特に、「俺はこいつら(かつて共に戦い、死んでいった仲間たち)を官軍にしてやりたいんだ」というセリフと翌日、決戦において眉間を撃ち抜かれ即死したシーンは今も鮮明に記憶している2-1,Takamori Saigo vs Former Shogunate Army All StarsThe figure of the former Shinsengumi Deputy Assistant Secretary General Third Commander Hajime Saito (also familiar with "Rurouni Kenshin" as Goro Fujita at the time) has been confirmed in Batutai, but it is Kanbei Sagawa that I focused onThis person is from Aizu, and is eventually promoted to Karo(chief retainers)And he fought as a commander in the Aizu war (June 10, 1868 (April 20,Intercalary month, keio 4) which became the biggest battle in the Boshin War(November 6, 1868 (September 22,the first year of Meiji)Ten years later, he became a police officer, again face the enemy Saigo Takamori in the Battle of the Southwest War, TabaruzakaThe activity of Sagawa Kanbei had been depicted in the year-end Samurai dramas special “Byacotai” aired on Nippon Television on December 30 and 31 of 1986 (Showa 61).The battle of Taharazaka had been drawn in the same year "The year-end Samurai dramas special" Tabaruzaka "on December 30 and 31 of 1987 (Showa 62) of the following year.Both had been performed by Hirotaro HondaIn particular, the phrase "I want to make these guys (the ones who fought together and died together) into a government army"And the next day, the scene which shot the forehead and was killed immediately in the decisive battle is remembered clearly now me2-2、東京警視庁誕生では、田原坂の戦いにおける抜刀隊の活躍の前に、彼等が所属する東京警視庁とその誕生の背景にあるものを説明させていただきたい1)旧幕府軍兵たちのその後1867年11月9日(慶応3年10月14日)、江戸幕府15代将軍徳川慶喜、政権を朝廷(天皇)に返上(大政奉還)これにより、264年続いた幕藩体制が崩壊1868年1月27日(慶応4年正月3日)、新政府軍(長州・薩摩藩討幕派)と旧幕府軍が鳥羽・伏見(現在の京都市南区・伏見区)で激突3日後の同月30日、終始劣勢だった幕府軍を見捨てた慶喜は大阪から江戸へ敗走同年5月3日(同4月11日)、勝海舟と西郷隆盛の会談により江戸城明け渡しが決定(江戸城無血開城)同年7月4日(同5月15日)、上野戦争勃発。同日彰義隊壊滅1869年6月26日(明治2年5月17日)、蝦夷共和国(旧幕府軍)総裁榎本武揚、新政府軍の無条件降伏に同意翌日、五稜郭陥落。これにより「五稜郭の戦い(箱館戦争)」終結同時に約2年に及ぶ新政府軍対旧幕府軍による武力闘争(内戦)に幕が下りたこれにより明治新政府は日本の近代化政策に邁進することになるのだが、その一環として「旧支配体制(武士階級)の解体」があった1871年8月29日(明治4年7月14日)、これまでの藩を廃止し、府と県に統合するという、いわゆる「廃藩置県」であるが、藩は武士たちに禄高(給金)を支給していたので、藩が無くなるということは武士たちの収入源を失うということでもありますそこで明治新政府は彼らを救済するため、禄の代わりに公債を発行するなどの救済措置も取りましたが、現実問題として戊辰戦争の出費は膨大で、明治新政府は発足直後から慢性的な財政難に陥っていましたそれに加えて士族(元武士)たちへの家禄支給は明治新政府にとって大きな負担となりました結果、1876(明治9)年には秩禄処分が行われ、明治新政府はこの救済措置を全廃してしまいました同年には廃刀令も実施され、「武士の魂」とされる刀を武士から取り上げることによって武士階級は崩壊し、四民平等の世の中にはなったが・・・支配者階級から一転、失業者となった士族たちですが、戊辰戦争最後の戦場となった北海道で最後まで徹底抗戦を貫いた榎本武揚らは生き残って明治新政府に出仕し、大臣を歴任するなどの活躍を見せましたが、彼のような人物は例外中の例外といってよく、多くは下野に甘んじました商売を試みる士族も多くいましたが、商売に不慣れだったことや、「今まで頭を下げていた人間に対して頭を下げる」ということができない士族たちの商売が成功するでしょうか?多くは失敗したことから、「失敗が目に見えているのに敢えて挑戦して失敗すること、またはその者のたとえ」として「士族の商法」という言葉まで生まれましたそういった士族たちの不平不満は各地で「士族の反乱」を生じさせ、日本史上最大最後の内戦「西南戦争」へと繋がっていくのです2-2,Birth of Tokyo Metropolitan Police DepartmentNow, before describing the active of Batoutai in the Battle of Tabaruzaka, let me explain the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department to which they belong and the background behind their birth.1)After the ex-Shogunate Army soldiersEdo Shogunate 15th Shogun Yoshinobu Tokugawa returns the administration to the Imperial Court (the Emperor) on November 9, 1867 (October 14,Keio 3)(Taisei Hokan; Restoration of Imperial rule)As a result, the Yakuhin system that lasted for 264 years collapsedJanuary 27, 1868 (January 3, Keio 4), The new government army (Choshu domain and Satsuma domain Anti-Shogunate faction) and the former Shogunate army had been clashed in Toba and Fushimi (present Kyoto Minami-ku and Fushimi-ku)Three days later, on the 30th of the same month, the battle situation was inferior to the Shogunate army from beginning to end.Yoshinobu abandoned the Shogunate army and routed from Osaka to EdoEdo Castle vacating was decided by a meeting between Kaishu Katsu and Saigo Takamori on May 3 (April 11) of the same year(Edo Castle bloodless vacating)The Battle of Ueno broke out on July 4 of the same year (May 15). Same day, Shogitai had been destroyedTakeaki Enomoto, President of the Republic of Ezo (old Shogunate Army), agrees with the unconditional surrender proposal of the new government army on June 26, 1869 (May 17, Meiji 2)The next day, Fell of Goryokaku. This concludes the Battle of Goryokaku (Hakodate War)At the same time, the two-year civil war between the new government army and the old shogunate army had been came to the endAs a result, the new Meiji government had pushed for the modernization policy of Japan.One of them was "the dismantling of the old ruler system (the warrior class)"August 29, 1871 (July 14, Meiji 4), it is a so-called “The estabishment of prefectures in place of feudal domains(Haihan-chiken)” where the existing domains are abolished and integrated into the prefecture. The fact that the Domains are gone also means that they will lose their income source becauseTherefore, the Meiji new government took relief measures such as issuing bonds instead of hereditary stipend in order to relieve themHowever, as a matter of fact, the expense of Boshin wars was enormous, and the Meiji new government had been a chronic financial trouble immediately after its establishmentIn addition to that, the stipend\'s provision to Shizoku (former warriors) became a heavy burden to the Meiji new governmentAs a result, the "repeal of stipend" was held in 1876 (Meiji 9), and the Meiji new government completely had abolished this remedyIn the same year,“ The Deceased Sword Order(Haitou-rei)” was also implemented, and the warrior class collapsed by taking the sword, which is considered to be the "soul of the warriors", from the warriors, and became a world of four people\'s equality. But…Shizoku turned unemployed from the ruling class.Takeaki Enomoto had lasted the end of the Boshin wars , had survived, entered the Meiji New Government, and served as minister.However, a person like him was an exception, and many Shizoku retired from public lifeThere were many Shizoku who tried to do business, but many of Shizoku who failed to be unfamiliar with the business and could not doing "hang down their head against people who had been so far" failedThe phrase "Amateurish business methods(Shizoku no Shohou" was born as "a challenge to fail in spite of the fact that failure is visible, or failure of that person, or their parable"Such Shizoku\'s complaints cause "Shizoku\'s uprising" in various places, leading to the largest and last civil war in Japan\'s history, "The Satsuma Rebellion"2)警察官という職業の誕生明治新政府自体は、旧幕臣や旧藩士たちにも門戸は開いていましたが、人材難以上に先述した通り、慢性的財政難により、出仕を願う士族全てを雇い入れることはできませんでした士族の側も、明治新政府に対しての恨みが根底にあるため、「武士は食わねど高楊枝」ではありませんが、「明治新政府の“犬”になるなら死んだ方がまだマシだ!」という士族は多かったのですこのような状況の中、1874(明治7)年1月15日、東京警視庁が発足しますきっかけは1870年8月28日(明治3年8月2日)、山縣有朋らと共に前年からのヨーロッパ視察の旅から西郷従道が帰国西郷は英国を訪れた際に見たスコットランドヤード(ロンドン警視庁)を参考に東京警視庁を作ったとされます因みに、この様子は先述したTVドラマ「田原坂」でヨーロッパ視察から帰った西郷従道演じる西郷輝彦が兄・隆盛を演じる里見浩太朗に、英国スコットランドヤード(ロンドン警視庁)にひどく感銘を受けたことを報告しているシーンがあります東京警視庁は確かに都内の治安維持を目的に創設されましたが、「士族の救済」という側面もあったようです実際多くの士族たちが警察官として任官しており、その中には、斎藤一(藤田五郎)や佐川官兵衛の姿もありました2)Birth of occupation called police officerThe Meiji new government itself was open to the former shogunate retainers and the former feudal retainers, but it was a chronic financial problem more than human resource problemsSo they were not able to hire Shizoku(The former Samurai) to wish to serve“Samurai are the people who act as if they are full even when they are starving”As the side of the former Samurai was also held grudge against for the Meiji new government, there were many former Samurai who said, "If I hired by the new Meiji government, I will be hope still die!"Under such circumstances, Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department was born on January 15, 1874(Meiji 7)The beginning is August 28, 1870 (August 2, Meiji 3),Tsugumichi Saigo returned from a trip to Europe from the previous year with Aritomo Yamagata et alIt is said that he devised the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Agency, referring to the Scottish yard (London Metropolitan Police Agency) he saw when he visited BritainThe Tokyo Metropolitan Police Agency was certainly created for the purpose of maintaining security in the city, but it seems that there was also an aspect of "relief of the former Samurai "In fact, many former Samurai are appointed as police officers, among which there were figures of Hajime Saito (Fujita Goro) and Kanbei Sagawa.3)警視庁、本当は警視庁は“庁」という名がついていますが、「省庁」、つまりは国の行政機関ではなく、あくまで、「東京都内を管轄する47都道府県警察本部の一つ」に過ぎませんつまり警視庁は、正確には「東京都警察本部(東京都警)」と名乗るべき実態なのですでは何故東京都警察本部は現在も警視庁と名乗っているのでしょうか?それには深い歴史的背景があるのです3)The Metropolitan Police Department, in fact …The Metropolitan Police Department is named "Office", but it is not a "Ministry", that is, not a governmental agency of the country, is "One of the 47 prefectures police headquarters that has jurisdiction over Tokyo."In other words, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department should accurately say "Tokyo Metropolitan Police Headquarters"So why is the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Headquarters still calling it the Metropolitan Police Department?There must be a good reason4)警視庁vs警察庁の構図警視庁誕生については先述しました通り誕生は、 1874(明治7)年1月15日それに対し、警察庁発足は同年の1月9日、内務省に「警保寮」という内部部局が設置され、全国の警察組織を管理する目的があったことからこれが現在の警察庁の源流とされています僅かに警察庁の方が生まれは早かったのですが、現在と違い、東京警視庁は他の地方警察本部と違い、内務省により設置され、内務省の管轄下に置かれた国の行政機関のひとつであり、当時の警保寮とは対等以上の立場にあったのです現在は1954(昭和29)年の「警察法改正」により、警視庁は「地方警察のひとつ」となり、警察庁は「警視庁をはじめちする全国都道府県警察を統括する国の行政機関」という位置づけが明言化されていますしかしこれが、現在も警察内部に「警視庁対警視庁の対立構造」という根深い問題をくすぶらせる要因となっています因みに、日本警察の最高位は警視総監であることは誰でもが知る周知の事実であるが、この警視総監の地位を置く警察本部は警視庁しかありません他の道府県警察本部の最高位は本部長だが、彼らの階級は警視監。日本警察のトップに位置する警察庁長官は警察庁長次官の中から選別されるが階級はそのままであるが、地位は警視監でありながら警視庁の警視総監よりも上という何とも不可解な現象になっている4)Composition of the Metropolitan Police Department vs. the National Police AgencyAs mentioned earlier about the birth of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, birth is January 15, 1874 (Meiji 7)On the other hand, the National Police Agency was born on January 9 of the same year at the Ministry of Internal Affairs as an internal department called "Home Ministry Police Affairs Bureau", which had the purpose of managing police organizations throughout the country.Although the National Police Agency was born a little earlier, unlike the present, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department was set up by the Ministry of the Interior, which is separate from other regional police headquarters, and of the governmental authorities It was one, and was at least equal to the Home Ministry Police Affairs Bureau at the timeThe Metropolitan Police Department is now "one of the regional police" due to the "Revision of the Police Act" in 1954 (Showa 29), and the National Police Agency is regarded as "the national administrative organization that oversees prefectural police including National Police Agency"However, this still left a deep-seated problem of "political confrontation between the police and the police," inside the policeBy the way, I think that everyone knows that the highest rank of the Japanese police is the Chief of Metropolitan Police, but the police headquarters that holds the position of this Chief of Metropolitan Police is only Metropolitan Police Department3誕生!抜刀隊西南戦争開始日時には諸説ありますが、私は1877(明治10)年2月22日の西郷軍による熊本城攻撃を初日としたい3Birth! BatoutaiThere are various theories at the start date of the Satsuma Rebellion, but I would like to make the first day of Kumamoto Castle attacked by the Saigo\'s Army on February 22, 1877 (Meiji 10)3-1西南戦争の特徴「国民皆兵」を目指した明治新政府は、その第一弾として1873(明治6)年1月10日、徴兵令が施行され、徴兵制度が開始した西南戦争はこの徴兵令で徴収した兵士たちによる初めての実戦でした私は学校の歴史の授業で、「西南戦争は大日本帝国陸軍最初の戦争であり初めて勝利した戦争である」と学びましたが、実情は大きく違うようです3-1Features of The Satsuma RebellionAs the first move of the Meiji new government aiming at "Universal Conscription", a conscription order was enacted on January 10, 1873 (Meiji 6), and a conscription system startedThe Satsuma Rebellion was the first actual battle by soldiers collected under this draft orderI was learned in the school history class that "the southwestern war was the first war of the Japanese Imperial Army and the first war to win", but the situation seems to be very different3-2西南戦争の実態訓練は受けているものの、その期間は多くて僅か3年であり、武家以外の出身者(平民)ならそれまで一度も刀すら持ったことが無い者ばかりであるしかも訓練期間が3年といえば新兵にも等しい実力しかありませんしかし、彼等政府軍兵士と相対するは、「次(に)の太刀不要の示現流」と恐れられた薩摩剣士の強者揃い幕末動乱を生き抜いた彼等であるたとえ10年経とうがその腕が衰えているはずはない政府軍を苦しめたのは新式銃でもなければ大砲でもありませんでした彼らの剣技だった「チェスト~~~ッ!」の掛け声で斬り込む様はまさに鬼神立ち向かえば斬り殺され、逃げれば背後から斬り殺される彼らの斬り込み攻撃によって政府軍は屍の山を作るのみであった3-2The actual conditions of The Satsuma RebellionAlthough I received training, the period was at most only three yearsMany of the commoners were people who had never held a swordMoreover, if the training period is three years, the same as a recruitHowever, in opposition to their government army soldiers, the swordman of Jigen style were told, "I do not need the sword of the next"Of course it seemed like they had the war potential of about 1,000 people alone!They had been survived the Bakumatsu revoltEven after ten years, their skills have not declinedIt had been neither a new gun nor a cannon that afflicted government forcesIt was their swordsmanship"Chyest ~ ~ ~!"Assaulting with Their \'shout was like the KijinIf they confronted them, they were definitely killed.But if they ran away they were killed from behindGovernment army were only able to build dead man\'s mountain by Their\'s assault attack3-3結成!抜刀隊西郷軍剣士らの捨て身の斬り込み攻撃は、「これからは銃砲の時代」と小銃による射撃戦を想定していた歩兵(多くは平民出身者)たちに白兵戦(近接戦闘)を強いたことで想定外の損失(多くの戦死傷者)を出すことになり苦戦の連続という事態を招くことになるこの事態を打開すべく、「警視隊(西南戦争に派遣されていた警視庁職員(現在の警察官に相当)。別名「別働第参旅団」)」の幹部たちが征討軍参事山縣有朋陸軍中将に、「(平たく言えば)自分たち警察官も戦闘に参加させろ!」と上申「徴兵令による近代的軍隊の創設」の提唱者でもある山縣にとって彼等武士の力を借りることは不本意極まりないものだったが、次々と屍の山と成り果てる多くの兵たちの惨状を見かね、終には了承するしかなかったそして、山縣自ら彼らを「抜刀隊」と命名し、第一次抜刀隊が編成されることとなった彼らの初戦は「田原坂」西南戦争最大の激戦地であり、ラストサムライたちの最後の晴れ舞台ともなった3-3Formation! BatoutaiThe assault attack of the Saigo warriors has given an unexpected loss by forcing a melee battle against infantry who had assumed a gunfight with a gunIn order to overcome this situation, the officers of the “Team Inspector told Lieutenant general Aritomo Yamagata , " let be our police officers participate in the battle!"For yamagata, who advocates for the creation of a modern army by a draft order, it was unwilling to borrow the power of their warriorsHowever, seeing the misery of many soldiers who could be dead man\'s mountain one after another, he could not but finally accept itAnd Yamagata himself named them "Batoutai"And the primary Batutai was organizedTheir first Battle had been "Tabaruzaka"It was Satsuma Rebellion biggest battleground and also the last big moment of the Last Samurai.