

  • 投稿日:2019/6/10
  • 8134 再生
  • 59 いいね


みるタイツ第5話「水着タイツ」のホミちゃんを観て、また性懲りもなく作ってしまった(-_-;)I had been made it by watching Homi-chan’s Miru tights Episode 5 "Swim wear tights"(-_-;)ホミは水泳部に所属している季節は夏休み水泳部は毎朝練習があるホミは眠いのを我慢して学校に向かったしかし、着替えの途中で練習時間の変更に気づき、気落ちした彼女はそのまま更衣室のベンチで寝てしまうが・・・Homi belongs to the swimming club in her schoolThis season is summer vacationThe swimming club practices every morningHomi went to school while trying to stay awakeHowever, she notices the change of practice time on the way of changing clothes, and she had been slept on the bench in the changing room as it is...00:52~う~~ん・・・( ゚д゚ )私は股間に感じる異様な違和感に目を覚ましました私の目に映った光景は、私の股間の臭いを嗅ぐ井之上先輩の姿でしたそして傍らには北島先輩、山本先輩、萩野先輩と一年後輩の不破君の姿もありました特に井之上先輩は女子部員にも人気が高く、私も密かに憧れていたので、この姿は衝撃を隠せませんでした00:52~Uhhhhh…( ゚д゚ )I awoke to the odd discomfort I felt in my crotchThe sight in my eyes was the figure of Inoue senpai who had been smelling the smell of my crotchAnd beside us were Kitajima senior, Yamamoto senior, Hagino senior and one year junior Fuwa-kun\'s figureInoue-senpai, in particular, was also popular with female swimming club members, and I was also secretly obsessed, so this figure could not hide the shock03:17~私は北島先輩が嫌いです理由は、事あるごとに私の胸やお尻を触ってくるからですそれは他の女子部員も同様です03:17~I had been hated Kitajima senpaiThe reason is that he had always been wanting to touch my tits and buttThe same is true for the other female membersBGMTrue DaysPerformed by Homi Moegi(CV.Aya Suzaki)