の続き午後10時を過ぎた○校生である桜と18歳未満であるセイバーは午後10時以降の就労が禁止されていた(労働基準法第61条)しかし、桃花苑の営業時間は夜11時(23:00)までであるこの“空白の1時間”をどう乗り切るかが店主である桐継の悩みの種になっていた当然客足は鈍るというか、この時間帯は客はほぼ0と言ってよかったそんな状況を救ってくれたのが、現役AV女優であるHitomiだった現在の店主である桐継はAV男優の経歴も持っていた最愛の妻愛梨を亡くしたショックで出奔し、10年程AV男優をしていた時期があった桐継がHitomiと初めて会ったのは勿論撮影現場であるが、その頃には桐継の心の傷も癒え、AV男優を辞めて家に戻る直前でもありましたその頃HitomiはAVデビューしたばかりの頃で、右も左も分からない上に、AVという仕事にも納得できない部分を持ったままの時期でもありました彼女と桐継の“蜜月”は、ほんの一年足らずでしたが、初会の撮影で桐継を気に入った彼女はその後相手役に彼を指名すると、ヒット作に恵まれるようになり、一躍売れっ子AV女優の仲間入りを果たすことができました彼が銭湯で働くようになっても、ちょくちょく彼を誘ってはAVの相手をさせ、今でも関係を続けていましたそして、最近になって湯女風呂に改装された桐継の銭湯を訪れましたHitomi「あれ?女湯はどこ?」桐継は湯女風呂のシステムを説明し、現在の自分の悩みを吐露すると、Hitomi「なぁ~んだ、そんなことか。だったらあたしがサクラになって客寄せやってあげようか?」桐継「いいのかい?(AV女優の)君がそんなことをして」Hitomi「いいの、いいの。桐継さんとあたしの仲じゃないその代わり、次の相手役は絶対にあなたにやってもらうわよ♥」桐継「わかったよ」こうして夜11時から1時間だけ、「AV女優Hitomiと“混浴”できる銭湯」が誕生したのである01:57の杏梨のホンネ「ダメェ~ そんなとこの臭いなんて嗅がないでぇ~」だが、この時の杏梨の本音は違ったようである彼女の本心はというと、「おまんこ舐められるなんて何か月ぶりかしら?もっと舐めて~」であるもう彼女は何か月もセックスレスの状態が続いていたそんな彼女が他の男とはいえ、激しく求められているのだもう彼女はこの時すでに、「罪悪感」も「夫への遠慮」など、とっくの昔に消え去っていた後はこの若い男に身を委(ゆだ)ねるだけでした was past 10 pmHigh school student Sakura and Saber under 18 were prohibited from working after 10:00 pm(“Article 61 of the Labor Standard Act” in Japan)However, the opening hours of Touka-en has been until 11:00 (23:00)How to get over this "one missing hour" was the causes his headache for the ownerNaturally, this times had been emptyIt was Hitomi who is an active porn star who saved such a situationThe current owner, Kiritsugu had a background of porn actorKiritsugu left with the shock of losing his beloved wife Airi, and there was a time when he had been a porn actor for about 10 yearsThe first time Kiritsugu met Hitomi was at the shooting siteHowever, by that time Kiritsugu\'s heartache was healed, and it was just before leaving the AV actor and returning homeAt that time Hitomi had just made an AV debut, and she had also babe in the woods, and it was also a time of having a part that she can not convinced to work in AVHItomi and Kiritsugu\'s “closely tied together” ended in less than a year, but when she liked to transfer in the filming of her first meeting, she nominated him as her counterpart and then she became blessed with a hit film, and she had been able to become the Best seller porn starAnd even if he came to work in a public bath, inviting him often made him play an AV partner, and he had been continued the relationship even nowAnd she visited the Kiritsugu’s public bath, which was recently renovated in YunaburoHitomi “that? Where is the woman\'s bath? "Kiritsugu explained to her the Yunaburo\'s system and confessed his current troubles、and then,Hitomi “What is that? If so, I would become a shill to attract customers? "Kiritsugu “Are you OK? You of No.1 porn star do such a thing?”Hitomi “Don’t worry, sir. We’re friends, rights? Instead, I really want you to appear in the my next work!”Kiritsugu “OK♥”Thus, for only one hour from 11:00, "The Sentou where porn star Hitomi and Konyoku can do it" was born01: 57 Anri\'s true meaning“No! Don’t wanna take a shiff my cunt’s smell!”But this time Anri\'s honest seemed differentTo tell she the truth…“What kind of a month is pussy licking!? Give me licking more!”IsShe had not been having sex with her husband for monthsEven though she is a man other than her husband, she had been strongly sought afterBy this time, she had already didn\'t felt guilty for her husbandAll she had to do was surrendered herself to young boys