
FGO(Fate/Great Oppai)GAIDEN SABER in THE SENTOU(セイバー、銭湯の女)

  • 投稿日:2019/5/15
  • 12811 再生
  • 64 いいね


鬼ヶ島討伐から帰って来た私(セイバー)と桜の次の居住先はなかなか決まりませんでしたそこでカトレアさんの知り合いに市役所職員がいたので相談してみるとすぐに入居者を募集していた下宿先を紹介してくれましたそこの下宿屋は銭湯を経営していましたが、昨今のライフスタイルの変化に対応しなかった銭湯は苦戦を強いられ軒並み減少の一途をたどっていました。生き残った銭湯も金融機関や自治体の支援で何とか生きながらえているという有様家主であり銭湯経営者でもある営宮志郎のお父様とおじい様にあたる先代は、これまでの浴場組合の横並びとなれ合いに嫌気がさしていましたそのような時、三助だった先代がお亡くなりになり、かねてから先代の希望だった「湯女風呂」の復活に着手しますそこで家主様は先代の生命保険を元手に市の融資を得て、これまでの家庭向きだった銭湯から、成人男性に客層を対象とした「湯女風呂」に改築してしまったのです湯女風呂はその低い料金設定もあって大変好評でしたが、低い料金設定故に女性従業員である湯女のお給金はそれほど高くなく、そのせいもありなかなか定着せず、すぐに辞めてしまったようです最後に残った湯女が辞める直前に私たちが入居することになりました私たちは家賃を免除するという条件で、湯女になることを決めました桜が学校から帰ってくるまでは私が一人で御客様のお相手を務めますThe next residence of I(Saber) and Sakura who returned from Onigashima subversive was not decided wellTherefore there was a staff member of City Hall to a friend in Cattleya, so when I consulted, he introduced me to a lodging where I was looking for tenants.There was a boarding house that ran a public bath, but the public bath that did not respond to the recent changes in Japanese lifestyle had been struggling and was steadily decreasingIt was the present condition that the sento which survived was able to live somehow with the support of the financial institution and the local governmentThe father and grandfather of Shiro Emiya who is a landlord and a public bath owner has been disliked by the side-by-side arrangement of the bathing association so farAt such a time, the predecessor who was Sansuke passed away, and they set out to revive "Yunaburo" which was the hope of the predecessorTherefore, the landlord obtained the city\'s loan by taking the life insurance of the previous generation, and from the public bath which was suitable for the general family so far, it was rebuilt into “Yunaburo” for the customer base for adult menYunaburo was very well received due to its low price setting, but because of the low price setting, the reward of female employee Yuna is not so high, and it seems that it has not been established well and has quit immediatelyJust before the last remaining Yuna quits, we decided to move inWe decided to become Yuna on the condition that we exempt the rentI will be guest partner alone until Sakura comes back from school銭湯~日本の文化今ではそうでもないが、日本にやって来た外国人が必ず奇異の目で見られていたのが「銭湯」今では、“SENTOU(銭湯)”もしくは“OHUROYA-SAN(お風呂屋さん)”として日本文化の一つとして認知されている銭湯のような公衆浴場は外国に目を向ければ、フィンランドのサウナ、トルコのハマムなどがあるが、文化の領域まで根付いたのは銭湯だけのようらしいそれでは銭湯の歴史と文化にまで昇華した過程を見ていきたいSENTOU is Japanese cultureIn the past, foreigners who came to Japan were always seen with weird eyes “SENTOU”Now it is recognized as one of the Japanese culture as "SENTOU" or "OHUROYA-SAN"Public baths such as SENTOU look to foreign countries, such as the Finnish sauna and the Turkish hammam, but it seems that only SENTOU has taken root in cultural areasThen I would like to see the process that has sublimed to the history and culture of SENTOU1、日本に銭湯が定着した理由(Reasons why Sentou were established in Japan)銭湯の歴史は江戸時代にまで遡る江戸時代、銭湯は「湯屋(ゆうや)」と呼ばれていた1603(慶長8)年、徳川家康に将軍宣下(天皇による征夷大将軍職に任ぜられる儀式)が行われ、江戸幕府が開かれたが、江戸市中は木造家屋が密集していたこともあり、大火が多く、大名屋敷を除いてはどんなに裕福な町屋や商家、武家(旗本・御家人)でさえ、防災上の理由から、家屋内に風呂の設置を禁じられていたそこで江戸に住む人々は老若男女・身分を問わず、銭湯を利用しなければならなかった火事が大火になる原因に、「風の強さ」がある江戸市中には常に強い風が吹き荒んでいた更に道路はほとんどが未舗装江戸市中には常に関東名物とまで呼ばれた砂埃が舞っていたそれに加え、「江戸っ子は清潔好き」だったのも銭湯が栄えた理由に挙げられるThe history of Sentou goes back to the Edo periodDuring the Edo period, Sentou were called "Yuuya"In 1603 (Keichyo 8), Ieyasu Tokugawa received a general commander (ceremony taken over by the emperor as a consul general), and the Edo Shogunate was held, but wooden houses were densely packed throughout Edo City There were also many fires, and even wealthier town houses, commerce houses, and samurai houses (Hatamotos and Gokenins) were barred from setting up a bath in the house for reasons of disaster prevention, except for the Daimyo residence.Therefore, people living in Edo had to use Sentou regardless of age, sex, and status"The strength of the wind" is the cause of the fire becoming a great fireA strong wind was blowing all the time in Edo CityFurthermore, most roads in Edo City were unpavedIn Edo City, there was always sand and dust called Kanto specialtyIn addition to that, "Edokko likes cleanliness" is also cited as the reason for Sentou to flourish2、銭湯と江戸庶民(Sentou and Edo commoner)ただでさえ清潔好きだった江戸っ子たちは、終始吹き荒ぶ砂埃のおかげもあって、銭湯に一日4~5回は通っていたと言われている湯銭(銭湯の料金)は江戸年間を通して大人8文(現在の物価換算で約120円程度)子供は5文(同じく約75円程度)営業時間は原則朝八時から12時間営業(季節により変化)更に一日何度も銭湯を利用する江戸っ子には嬉しいことに、「羽書(はがき)」と呼ばれる今でいうところのフリーパス券が好評で、こちらは大人一人148文(同じく約2220円程度)で一か月有効で何度も入浴ができる優れものであるIt is said that Edokkos who liked even cleanness went through public baths 4 to 5 times a day because of battering sand dust from beginning to endYusen (Sentou’s fee) is for 8 mon, adults throughout the Edo year(About ¥120 in current price conversion)5 mon for children(Same about ¥75)Opening hours are basically 12 hours from 8 am(Varies with the season)Furthermore, I am glad that Edokko, who uses public baths several times a day, enjoys the popularity of free pass tickets as it is now called "Hagaki", and this is 148 mon(Same about ¥2220) per adult for one month It is an excellent one that can be bathed many times3、江戸時代の銭湯の実態(The reality of Sentou in the Edo period)江戸時代の銭湯は混浴だったしかも内部は、湯船は灯がほとんど無く、洗い場は湯気で相手の顔さえ識別が難しい程だったこのため、当時の銭湯は「痴漢天国」と呼ぶにふさわしいほど痴漢は日常茶飯事だった反面、世を忍ぶ不倫関係にある男女や恋人同士の男女にとっては、銭湯は安価な「逢瀬の場所」としては最適で、ある意味において、「銭湯は大人の社交場」として栄えていたThe Sentou in the Edo period were mixed bathingMoreover, the interior had almost no light in the bathtub, and the washing place was steamy and even the other\'s face was difficult to identifyFor this reason, pervert was a daily routine so that Sentou at that time was called "pervert paradise"On the other hand, for men and women and lovers who are in an affair relationship who stole the world, public baths are ideal as an inexpensive "place of secret meeting ", and in a sense, public baths have flourished as "adult social halls"4、湯女風呂の登場(The appearance of Yunaburo)湯女風呂とは字の如く、「湯女がいる銭湯」のことだが、湯女もまた字の如く、「銭湯で働く女性従業員」のことである湯女の仕事は本来ならば、客の垢すりなどが本業であるが、交渉次第で性的なサービスが受けられ、次第に懇意になった客の求めに応じ売春を行うのが主流になった江戸初期の明暦年間(1648~1657)に誕生した湯女風呂は、高くて遠い吉原に反し、安くて近場にある湯女風呂は全盛を極めたしかし、「客を奪われた」と湯女風呂を逆恨みする吉原の経営者たちは幕府に訴え、何度も湯女風呂禁止令を発令させ、取潰しを行わせたが、弾圧される度に、江戸っ子ったちの根強い人気を背景に、「雨後の筍」のようにしぶとく復活しただが、1657(明暦3)年、新吉原が浅草(現在の吉原)に誕生したことで幕府はそれまで以上に取り締まりを徹底させ、湯女風呂200軒余が取り壊され、湯女約600人が拘束されたこれにより湯女風呂は急速に勢いを失うことになったそれでも細々と営業を続けた湯女風呂は存在したが、1704(元禄16)年の大火を契機に湯女風呂は自然消滅することになるこの後、湯客の対応は男が専門に請け負うことになる彼らは「三助」と呼ばれるようになった最後は悲惨な末路を辿った湯女風呂であったが、湯女風呂こそ「江戸時代の特殊浴場」と呼ぶにふさわしく、現代のソープランドの先駆け的存在として日本の性風俗史に名を刻む存在であるYunaburo means "Sentou with Yuna" like the letter, but Yuna also means "woman employee who works with Sentou" like the letter.Although Yuna\'s job was originally the customer\'s job and so on, she was able to receive sexual service depending on the negotiation and gradually transformed into a prostituteYunaburo, which was born in the early Edo period (1648 to 1657), was high and far from Yoshiwara, and cheap and nearby Yunaburo reached its heydayHowever, the management of Yoshiwara who reverses Yunaburo, who "is deprived of customers", sues the Shogunate, and has issued a ban on Yunaburo many times, and has been slaughtered, but every time it is oppressed, Edo Against the background of the children\'s persistent popularity, it revived like "mushrooms after rain"But in 1657 (Meireki 3), the Shogunate was forced to crack down more than ever with the birth of Shin-Yoshiwara in Asakusa(Now Yoshiwara), and over 200 Yunaburo were demolished, and about 600 Yuna were detainedThis caused Yunaburo to lose momentum quicklyHowever, although there were Yunaburo who continued to operate in small quantities, Yunaburo would fade away after the great fire of 1704 (Genroku 16).After this, the man will be contracted to specialize in the treatment of the guestsThey came to be called "Sansuke"The last was Yunaburo which followed a disastrous end, but Yunaburo is appropriate to call it "special baths in the Edo period", and is an existence that instills its name in Japan\'s sex and customs history as a pioneer of Soapland本来ならばこの後、「三助」及び「銭湯の衰退」についても述べたかったのですが、あまりに文量が多くなってしまい、これらについては“次の機会”にでも述べたいと思いますOriginally I wanted to talk about "Sansuke" and "Sentou\'s decline" after that, but I\'m going to have too many sentences and I would like to talk about these on the "next opportunity"