(English below the Japanese)
しかし、ぷちミク達は、猫耳とツインテールと前髪とネクタイとスカートと尻尾を無くしまったんですけど。 なぜすべてのものを失ったのでしょうかな?
I have never failed to solve a Japanese MMD download password so far. The only passwords that took me longer than 4 minutes to solve are those in this video: The passwords of this motion and these models. Each password took me more than 20 minutes to solve, actually around 40 minutes I think. 40 minutes V.S. 1 minute usually - that's quite some difference.
Some people like to solve crosswords. I like to solve really hard passwords. So it was nice and interesting puzzles, rather than frustrating struggles. I felt quite confident that I would eventually solve them in the end - and I did.
Naturally I got divine punishment for having fun with passwords that make other people sorry: The models didn't work with the motion!
Thanks May555 for pointing out the problem for me. The problem is that Animasa models lack the 'Groove Bone' and the 'Upper Body 2 Bone', both required by this motion.
So I opened the model 'TdaMiku green Ver106nude.Pmx' with PmxEditor, kept all the central bones: [Head, Neck, Upper Body 2, Upper Body, Lower Body, Center, Grove, Motherbone, Hips]. I deleted all other bones and all materials. So only the central 'tower' of bones remained of TdaMiku.
Animasa Puchi Miku is about 99 centimetres and Tda Miku about 162 centimetres tall. So I reduced the size of this TdaMiku to 99/162 = 0.611.
Then I opened PuchiMiku with PmxEditor, and dragged-and-dropped the 61.1% size central-bones-only-Tda-Miku onto the PmxEditor window.
Finally I compared the resulting bone list with TdaMiku's original bonelist, and made sure that the bones involved inside Puchi got the same parent and child bones as in TdaMiku.
And it worked, but as divine punishment my models lost their cat ears, twintails, bangs, neckties, skirts and tails.
(I wonder why they lost all those things?)
Still, there is an upside of this: You can't see any arms penetrating their skirts, if the skirts are missing. :)
(Their feet are twisting quite badly, but you can't see this, because I arranged the camera so you can't see this).
(That this Puchi-Miku with blue/yellow/maroon top has naked arms and legs, is my PmxEditing. In her release zip file, she has sleeves and knee socks. I obviously took the arms and legs from one of her dancing friends in this video, (actually from the non-yellow one). I did this before I dropped the 61.1% size central Tda bones onto her.)
モーション: のべ男 (みどり のべる)様: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJLZq75uMlMXuaMP8YbBRHg/videos?view=0&f...
猫村いろはカバー: DaughterOfWhite様: https://www.youtube.com/user/DaughterOfWhite/videos?flow=grid&view=0&sor...
モデル: 合成P様: http://dic.nicovideo.jp/a/%E5%90%88%E6%88%90p