
Exotic vehicles of Asia! アジアのエキゾチックな車両 【 subtitles: English & Romaji 】 MMD test19 - 60fps 2019 ver.

  • 投稿日:2017/3/4
  • 9332 再生
  • 64 いいね


For dual English/Japanese subtitles, please select Japanese subtitles!
まずは、俺の「MMDテスト19」の東北ずん子さんと亞北ネルさんのバージョンをご視聴してください。 Please watch the Zunko and Neru versions of my MMD test19 first of all: http://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/7j0xzcjz0t7ja5n3 AND http://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/dgak1seayf7db2ak
未知の女の子の裸の体をよく見えるために、邪魔する字幕ないで、Firefoxを使用してください。 To watch the unknown girl's nude body without obstructing subtitles, please use Firefox.
背景スライドショーのビデオはこちらあります。 You can find the background slideshow video HERE: http://www.iwara.tv/videos/vrlwmhrbdieyzlax (unlisted video)・(未公開の動画)
クレジットの下には、英語・ローマ字・漢字の歌詞があります。 You'll find the English/Romaji/Kanji lyrics below the credits.
注:下にあるお借りした作品の作成者様は、この動画で見える宣伝活動に、支持を表明しませんでした。 ご作品をお借りすることは、そのような活動に関連をさせません。 Note: The creators of borrowed materials mentioned here below have NOT expressed any support for the activities in this video and alike. That I'm borrowing their creative works for my video, does NOT make them connected with such activities.
私の取りまとめた動画は、やっぱり「反応ビデオ」でしょうね? 俺のことは、外人だ、多分赤色の半島に住んでる外人かな?ですから、あんまり文句ができないんでしょうね? And my compilation video must of course be a so called 'reaction video', right...? I'm a foreigner, and might even be living on a red coloured peninsula, so no one can complain about my video, right...?
ビックリさせる路面電車ですね?www 800系は・・・
(実は、「日本の素敵なライトバン」とは、こちらの動画の「日本の素敵な都道府県」からインスピレーションを得ました: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4_ZWXRhhPA )
唄:初音ミク・ Vocals: Miku Hatsune
作曲:ika様・ Music: Ika: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm1097445
翻訳・動画:碁石海岸までもう・ Translation & Video: goishikaigan mademou
作詞・ミクカバー:お花畑バスター様・ Lyrics & Miku cover: o-Hana-Batake Basutaa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcX4ZJB2FHY
(Note: ohanabatake basutaa means 'Flower Garden Buster'. Basutaa is the Japanese spelling of the English word 'buster'. Batake means garden/plot. Hana means flower. O is a honorific, that tells that it's not his own flower garden that he is busting. He (probably) means that he is the person who busts the nice flower garden of Japanese politics, with his provocative lyrics.)
Please visit o-Hana-Batake Buster's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/ohanabatakebaster/videos?view=0&sort=p&flow... (...an 'interesting' experience for those who understand Japanese...)
(Note: His YouTube channel typically has 128 kb/s HiFi sound, and his NicoNico channel has 64 kb/s LoFi sound...)
Please watch my English subtitled re-upload of his amusing Cosplay Star video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1E74xJ2oDUg
お借りしたMMDもの・ Borrowed MMD items:
モーション:あず様・ Motion: Azu: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm7936101
(I changed this motion quite a lot for Zunko's video: http://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/7j0xzcjz0t7ja5n3 , so Zunko's hands and arms no longer penetrate her body. Tsumi-Miku is slim with small breasts, so Zunko's motion worked for her too, without any adjustements. 1052C Neru didn't need any adjustments either: http://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/dgak1seayf7db2ak .)
ドアを蹴る映像:ドロヌマP様・ Door kicking footage: Numa-P: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm16882751 English subtitled: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHWifWRMvGI
フジテレビの標識の取り付け手順・ Fuji TV sign mounting instructions: Professor Sparkles 様: http://video.stackexchange.com/questions/12105/add-an-image-in-front-of-...
プロパガンダ ポーズ パック・ Propaganda pose pack: VioletChrystal259 様: http://violetcrystal259.deviantart.com/art/MMD-Hyrule-Warriors-pose-pack... (Poses no. 3 and no. 1 were used)
モデル・ models:
KAITOとレン君:あにまさ様・ KAITO & Len Kagamine: Animasa
つみ式ミク:つみだんご様・ Tsumi-Miku / Crime type Miku: Tsumidango:http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm27427927http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm29503530
ヌードバージョン・ Nude version: Tsumi-Miku / Crime type Miku ver. 1.01 edit: J&J 様
Tda式マスク・ Tda face mask: UtauRueCross 様: http://utauruecross.deviantart.com/art/8-TDA-Medical-Mask-Face-Texture-6...
つみ式マスク:俺のフォトショップ、Tdaのマスクから。 Crime type face mask: My own photoshopping, based on the Tda face mask.
不明な女の子のマスクパターン・ Unknown girl's mask pattern: Alex K 様: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:%E5%A4%A7%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC%E5%B...
れいばん風サングラス:カヅ様・ Rayban style sunglasses: Kazu http://seiga.nicovideo.jp/seiga/im2594489
Konozamaの箱・ Konozama cardboard box: donburiroom 様: http://seiga.nicovideo.jp/seiga/im1611818
掛け軸:きしれん様(と俺)・ Antitheft scrolls: Admiral Kishiren (and me): http://seiga.nicovideo.jp/seiga/im4353836 & http://ecchi.iwara.tv/images/stolen-iwara-anti-theft-scrolls
イラスト・ Pictures:
黒路面電車・ Black tramcar: Mumei's Railway Factory 様: http://mumei-usoden.at.webry.info/200612/article_1.html
他のフォトショップ: 俺・ Other photoshopping: me
KAITOとレンのMMD頭ポーズ:俺・ Len and KAITO's MMD head poses: me
KAITOの車・ KAITO's car: 民族同志會総本部 さま: http://gaisen.fc2web.com/minzokudousikai_01.html
KAITOのミニカー・ KAITO yellow plate mini car: 村田 田 様: https://kusokora.jp/gp/%E3%81%82%E3%82%8A%E3%81%99%E3%82%AF%E3%82%BD%E3%...
駐車場で・ At the car park: yuukokukensei0594 様: http://yuukokukensei0594.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-190.html
濡らしたバス・ Wet bus: yuukokukensei0594 様: http://yuukokukensei0594.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-197.html
ラインナップ・ Line up: yuukokukensei0594 様: http://yuukokukensei0594.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-75.html
靖国神社前・ Yasukuni Jinja-mae: Japanexperterna.se 様:https://www.flickr.com/photos/68532869@N08/15519982637/in/photolist-akqERU-5dqAVm-uZyaA-gypYEw-5dvBWb-5dvE5A-pDowLZ-pDrY8x-6QF1Sq-5drhYP-6Qhnb2-miqoDk-oKRSM1-4E8XCa-pVXgKY-oKRQPo-g7EZqz-5Ao3nx-5Ao3mH-4Kt2Hr-otp3Bj-7HWKmg-5dqEao-gEtsDo-otoZZK-5drjzn-7nb57A-7t6mG6-hEgqRm-7q4hmR-6cCp8M-oHRN7W-bjxx9Q-dT9eVZ-oKBS3c-cQYMXu-6QRUnD-oKRR5J-6QVYmh-6cGvXN-otoXXD-7acWkh-dNQgoW-5dhSAP-otptyR-6cGxHS-kj7zu-7a972Z-7hjG48-d9gNJ
東方の黒バス・ Touhou black bus: suiseki_003 様: http://blog.goo.ne.jp/suiseki_003/e/7082ad958650d4ee54fa27879abc2494
プロパガンダ プラットフォーム・ Propaganda platforms: i.ytimg.com 様: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/JkG5EQ-LxAI/maxresdefault.jpg
捕まった!・ Arrested!: garlic.red 様: http://garlic.red/img/upload/news-2614.png
パキスタンのバス・ Pakistani bus: Marc Ryckaert 様: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:El_Gouna_Bus_R01.jpg
インドのトラック・ Indian truck: Around Jaipur 様: https://www.flickr.com/photos/xclockwise/4159495975
「日本の素敵なライトバン」・ "Lovely Japanese van": hnd787 様: https://twitter.com/hnd787
香港の路面電車・ Hong Kong tramcar: Cs1668 様: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HK_Tram_N.o_4.jpg
輝く車・ Shiny car: i.ytimg.com 様: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/fsUA0qMEw30/maxresdefault.jpg
About the cardboard box movments in the beginning: The Indian/Pakistani "acha" head shake actually means "yes": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uj56IPJOqWE
Used softwares (in order of use):
MMD (to png files)
Photoshop Elements 4
Windows Live Movie Maker 2012
MMD (to avi file)
Fps note: 60 fps background video, 60 fps foreground video.
English lyrics: Hoshu-hoshu ni Shite Ageru / (I'll make it conservative - conservative):
Going beyond the limits of fury, I've come here!
In case you don't like this country, then leave it immediately!
As soon as possible, go home to your peninsula!
What's wrong? You've even been frightening Fuji TV since forever.
I'll make this country conservative - conservative for you.
I'll do my best even without being paid, so
I'll make it conservative - conservative for you.
So you'd better prepare yourselves, right...
since I'll do it for you...
I'll make it conservative - conservative for real!
I'll try my best till the very end, so
I'll make it conservative - conservative for real!
So I'll hang a few MINSU pols for you and
I'll make it conservative - conservative for you.
More than anyone, anyone in Japan,
I'll make it conservative - conservative for you.
So please knock out some more MINSU pols, right...
ikari no genkai o koete
watashi wa kitan da yo
kuni ga suki ja nai nara
totto to dete ike
ano ne hayaku
hantou kaette yo
dou shita no? Fuji demo
zutto obieteru
kuni no koto
hoshu-hoshu ni shite ageru
kane nakute mo ganbaru kara
hoshu-hoshu ni shite ageru
dakara chotto
kakugo o shitete yo ne
shite ageru kara
hoshu-hoshu ni shite yan yo
saigo made ne ganbaru kara
hoshu-hoshu ni shite yan yo
dakara chotto
Minsu o tsurushite agete
hoshu-hoshu ni shite ageru
Nihon-juu no dare dare yori
hoshu-hoshu ni shite ageru
dakara motto
Minsu o tatakasete ne
Kanji:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcX4ZJB2FHY :
怒りの限界を超えて 私は来たんだよ
国が好きじゃないなら とっとと出て行け
あのね早く 半島帰ってよ
どうしたの?フジデモ ずーっと怯えてる