
Safe and Out in the Last Moment (Girigiri Seuto) 【subtitles: English & Romaji】 ギリギリセウト (i6kr7JymXYQ)

  • 投稿日:2016/8/27
  • 13851 再生
  • 73 いいね


Original song created by Lupinus: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm25913327 . Original project DIVA edit created by Luida, and uploaded by Luida on PSN (the PlayStation Network).Hisokeee then downloaded that edit from PSN, downloaded the MP3 music separately from Piapro: http://piapro.jp/t/ZrrC , ran the edit inside his Project DIVA game on his PS3/PS4, selected the current Luka and MEIKO models, captured the video with his costly capture card inside his PS3/PS4, and uploaded it to YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6kr7JymXYQ (..if I understand the project DIVA world correctly...?)I just asked Hisokeee for a general translation re-upload permit in 2014, downloaded his video from YouTube in 2016, and translated it. (I don\'t even own a PS3...)Please visit Hisokeee’s (and my) YouTube channels:https://www.youtube.com/user/hisokeee/videos?flow=grid&view=0&sort=phttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5M5hlMQjhR_QvoRoQ1aD7Qhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxGj3PQrKnv0_eZAQBGwZxQhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmDVW7iDcnW41iK7JwuSe0ghttps://www.youtube.com/user/joltcola777/videos?sort=p&view=0&flow=grid sm25913327には、Lupinus様がこれと書きました:【巡音ルカV4x】 ギリギリセウト 【オリジナル】こんばんは、圏外Pと申します。念願のルカV4x、参入です!アニメ「ワーク×ライフ バランス」の2期OPテーマのカバーになります(うそ)。アニメOPを見る感じでお楽しみ下さい(笑)組合員の皆さん、ちゃんと有給取ってますか?ちょっとアレな内容ですが、オシャレなジャズ風ですので、是非聴いてみて下さい!圏外作品リスト→mylist/5238662 マスタリングでお手伝い頂きました、田中KeNTさん→mylist/7002717※ご協力頂いた絵師様、動画終盤のクレジットにてご紹介させて頂いておりますm(__)m Sound quality notes:Lupinus’ NicoNico upload of this song is 157 kb/s AAC 44.1 kHz.Lupinus’ Piapro upload is 160 kb/s MP3 44.1 kHz.Hisokeee’s YouTube upload is 126 kb/s AAC 44.1 kHz.I used the SPEK free spectrum analyzer to check this: http://spek.cc/Googling among audiophile forums tells that AAC generally is better than the same bitrate MP3. Also my ears preferred 157 kb/s AAC over 160 kb/s MP3. So I extracted the soundtrack from the NicoNico video, and then used Movie Maker to mute the YouTube video and add the NicoNico soundtrack. I had to select start time 2.10 s and start point 90.92 s, because the full song is about 50% longer than this video. The first 1/3 of the song is omitted in this video. What you’re missing is that Luka was riding a suburban train without toilets, and then rushed out of the train into this café.(You may notice that the initial DIVA start beep in Hisokeee’s YouTube upload is missing in my Iwara re-upload, because I have replaced the soundtrack). Fps note:Input video 29.97 fps, output video 29.97 fps.(No 29.97/30.00 fps mixup this time). Translation notes:"Pin" is the \'sound\' when a nipple pops out on a girl with inverted nipples in ero-manga. In this video, Luka streches out her toes with the same "pin" sound.I didn\'t know yet about the "pin" sound when I first translated this video. So I asked my Japanese viewers for help, as below. You can see their answers in the comments of this video:My old request for help looked like this:「ピンッと」と言うの意味は、何でしょうか??この外人は分からないから、こちらのコメントで、日本語で、教えられてくれませんか? 「爪先がピンッと伸びるくらい」とは、どんなように爪先を伸びますか?(Problem solved). English lyrics: Safe and Out at the Last Moment / (Girigiri Seuto):I conseal and gloss over my urge to go in there.But, the door knob remains "red".If I prick up my ears,hey… behind the door I can faintly hear long breaths.Is something of toilet character in sight?Some toilet, toilet, toilet, toilet, toilet is over here.The left behind drink, the coffee... [holy water (pee)]Good grief, this is dangerous, dangerous, dangerous, dangerous!Should I take the risk?In the last moment, this simulation. (of a toilet)With trembling hands under the table,aiming on target: Lock-on!My toes are stretching out all straight.Just a little cup and this urge to pee.Aah, like this surely surely it will flow over.The door is opened.Miss part-timer,in there, what, what, what, what / (what onanism, onanism, onanism)were you doing!?Even shutting out a customer.Good grief, you\'re no good, no good, no good, no good!You\'d better test having a shower?In the last moment,at \'that location\', the 37 centigrade liquid is reaching the last barrier. (of my body)It\'s beyond control of my finger tips.It must not pass through my thin panties.I can\'t hold it in, can\'t hold it in.Aah, by itself, all, all of it, is flowing out. Romaji:magirasetegomakashiteikitai kimochidemodoa nobu wa"aka" no mamamimi wo sumasebahora doa no mukoukasuka na toikikikoerushisen no saki"toire" no moji?toire toire toire toiretoire wa kochira enomi nokoshikou- [shousui] -hii wa(Coffee cut & shifted: cof- [holy water (pee)] -fee)mou yabai yabai yabai yabaiichi-ka hachi-kayatte miru ka?giri-giri nakono shimyureeshonfurueru te deteeburu no shitanerai sadamete rokkuon!tsumasaki gapintto nobiru kuraichiisana kappu jaakono nyouiaa ko no mama jakitto kittokoborerudoa gahirakibaito-san ga ~naka de nani o nani o nani o 7-2 oshite ita no?o-kyaku-sama,heiten desumou dame dame dame dame yoissoabite miru ka?giri-giri nakono arokeeshonsan-juu-nana-do no ekitai gasaigo no toride madeyubisaki jaaosae kirenai hodokoechaa ikenaisono ichi-maigaman dekinaigaman dekinaiaa hitoride nizenbu zenbuafureru Kanji:紛らせて誤魔化してイキたい気持ち・・・でもドアノブは「赤」のまま耳をすませばほら扉の向こうーー微かな吐息聴こえる・・・視線の先「トイレ」の文字?トイレトイレトイレトイレトイレはこちらへ飲み残し聖コー水ヒーは・・・ (Means: 聖水(珈琲)は・・・ or: 聖・(珈)・水・(琲)は・・・)もうヤバイヤバイヤバイヤバイ一か八かやってみルカ?ギリギリなこのシミュレーション震える手でテーブルの下狙い定めてロックオン!爪先がピンッと伸びるくらい小さなカップじゃあこの尿意ああこのままじゃあきっときっと溢れる・・・ドアが開きバイトさんがーなかで何をなにをナニを72をしていたの?お客様、閉店でぇすもうダメダメダメ駄目よいっそ浴びてみルカ?ギリギリなこのアロケーション人肌の液体が最後の砦まで・・・指先じゃあ抑えきれないほど越えちゃあいけないその1枚我慢出来ない・・・我慢出来ない・・・ああひとりでに・・・全部全部放出れる・・・